Planning a trip in august to sign up for the hilton contest.
from your old post.
"Only about 2 weeks left to register for the 2008/2009 Hilton Contest.
We offer proxy service if you live outside of Nevada at the cost of $250/team plus 1% of any team winnings. That is only about $15/week!"
Will your offering be about the same for 09/10 or is it too early to ask.
Drop them a line here booksie
They will be able to answer all your questions for this year.
Please call us or provide an alternate email address. We have tried to email you twice and our emails are being blocked by your ISP or software on your computer
i'll be calling on monday. about 9 0r 10 your lv time.
from what i see, all mail coming to libcom goes thru "icewarp mail system". is on their whitelist.
i get the icewarp mail then everything in icewarp inbox is
tranferred to outook inbox.
your email never makes it to my icewarp inbox.
i get your newsletter everyday thru that system-no problems.
libcom tech 1-866-354-2266
[email protected]
I really don't know what to tell you about the email situation my man.
The site gets about 100-150 emails a day and I personally get about 250 emails a day and you are the only person out of 350 or so people who ever reports any issues with sending or receiving email.
I would suggest getting a Yahoo or GMail account, it sounds like your ISP has far too much control over what emails you receive.