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Public chalks up Week 12 win

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Posts: 151
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1 other thing b 4 i sign off for a dinner break, hey picknose, or pickass, or whatever your bullshit handle is, my basement is probaly 3 times the size of the house you live in, my crew helped me build it, run along sonny boy, go bet your 5.00, football pools

Oh, Timmy, Timmy Timmy. Because the forum doesn't allow for posting of images, I changed my avatar to show my days plays. In case you can't read it, I'm laying $3400 today, and this is just an average Tuesday for me. How much did you lay today? Oh, none? I lay over 40k a week in action. So I think I'm past playing in any pools though I do go swimming with your little sister from time to time. I love how your thing big swinn'in dick but have all this time to spend posting utter nonsense in forums. In six months 933 post??? Yeah, you're clearly out running your crew and hard at work. Life must be lonely to be putting up 150+ posts a month. As for my house, it's 3900sq ft that just appraised for 530k, which I own free and clear aside from an untapped equity line up to 250k that I use for play money.

Sharky, I didn't just climb out of the woodwork bro, I've been a member since 2008 before this site had advertisers and clearly before you even know this site existed, compared to your 2015. I just don't spend my time posting shit that people would rather not read because they frankly don't care. Yes, I was sore about having picked Philly (which I now despise more because it produced Timmy) and the over but the fact I still netted $7800 on the weekend despite that $3200 swing made all the pain go bye bye.

Blade/Mike... you guys obviously run the site as you see fit. My only point is that clowns like this posting crap like he does drags down the quality of the site that you've spent so long building. Shitting in the pool muddies the waters. People (like me) come to the site for the quality/content, not to read Timmy's tangents about back rooms of computers, his fictional gay brother that's a drag queen in LV and whatever the F else spills from his little mind onto the keyboard and into this forum. Have you guys noticed that your Picks columns get over 1k views and his continual rant get maybe 100 (and little if any response)? It's because one provides value and the other, well doesn't. Maybe (apparently) that's what you want, traffic = more advertising dollars; I get it. I've just always enjoyed your forum over something like BECAUSE of the absence of DB's like Timmy and his worthless two cents.

Posted : November 29, 2016 6:18 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

Here is the reality of the situation. What is the point of having a message forum if I don’t allow anyone to post messages?

If I didn’t let people speak their mind or I censored what they are posting unnecessarily, what is the point of having a space where people can contribute?

At the end of the day, if you don’t like what anyone has to say you don’t have to open the thread. If Timmy rubs you the wrong way, just pass over his posts.

As long as people don’t start coming in and hijacking the work Blade does or I do or they don’t get out of hand with name calling or racial or political shit I’m inclined to let people be themselves.

If I don’t want to read something from someone, I just don’t open it. Simple as that.

Thanks for your comments though, they are appreciated and I appreciate you taking the time to post them. I hope my comments can help you understand the reasoning behind why things are the way they are.

Posted : November 29, 2016 6:47 pm
Posts: 36445
Illustrious Member

correct mike, stated in a perfect manner, don't read or respond, if you don't like what you c,

Posted : November 29, 2016 6:57 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

like i said another pissant thats sore about losing a bet .what do any of us care how much he bets mythical or for real . the net is rife with people like this guy throwing there weight around with there big castles and there fortknox sise bets to me just another peaon ! trying to prop up his ego . someone who says the kind of things about siblings and relatives . just shows us all the true class of him -herself or what ever well folks a true class act from pickwiz or what ever it is

Posted : November 29, 2016 7:11 pm
Posts: 36445
Illustrious Member

you have mental problems son, that's sad, but i will agree on 1 thing, this is the best site, and 1 other thing, any 1 who needs to put up numbers, doesn't have it to begin with, i spend more in 1 night then you make in a week, i am sure of that, another bitter loser shark, sad pathetic bitter loser, who sounds like the rest of them, oh 1 other thing asshole, that's y i have foreman's on various, jobs it gives me the freedom to do as i wish, good luck loser you sound like you are going to need it

Posted : November 29, 2016 7:15 pm
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