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vegasflyers top 6 NFL

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This time of year renders a lot of systems, trends, and power ratings useless. Situational handicapping is critical, and looking for numbers that are out of line with what they should be can give you a tip on who is going to cover, and who isn't. Below are the numbers that don't add up.

Dallas-5 My feeling here is this game should have been a pickem, maybe 2.5 at the most. Baltimore should get alot of action at +5. The situation is the same for both teams. Dallas, after going 0-3 ATS at home, has now covered 4 straight at home.

Cincinnati+3 The Browns are down to Dorsey at QB. They have failed to score a touchdown with him. The oddsmakers made this line low to take action on Cleveland. The situation is same season revenge for Cincinnati, and with half the Browns defense injured, I think they can do it.

New England-8.5 This line is way off, the weather will be bad, but the situation validates the number. The Patriots are in a dog fight for a playoff spot, while Arizona is just waiting for the playoffs to start. They can not improve home field, and look to be the team with the worst record entering the playoffs.

Detroit+6 Both teams are out of the playoffs, and the only situation here is for Detroit to get that one win. The Saints are beat up, and I see this as the Lions last chance.

Oakland+7.5 This is another two teams going no where. How you can lay 7.5 on the road with Houston, who won their last two games 24-21, and 13-12. This will be the first and only AFC West team the Texans have faced.

Denver-7 This is a wait and see play. The Chargers play at 10:00 AM, so a win or loss should determine how you play this Denver game. If the Chargers win, there should be some urgency for the Bronco's here if the Chargers pull the upset.

Posted : December 19, 2008 1:02 pm
Posts: 110
Estimable Member

Hi Vegas,

I'm not big on posting.I like reading yours though.I agree with you on Dallas -5, NE -8.5 and Denver - 7.I think that Clevland plus the point is the play, Dorsey will get the job done.Houston should cover, the Raiders are just bad.I am not sure about Det, but I would take NO, from one dome to the next I think that NO will be ok and lay the points. GL

Posted : December 19, 2008 4:15 pm
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This time of year, I am looking at pure situations, it is the only thing that matters. The other key is deciding if the team that needs it, can get it done. I wonder about Detroit too, but if you look for some inspired football, who will be playing the hardest. I think Detroit will here. It's an ugly bet, but it really is their last chance. I won't knock anyone's oppinion here, but going through 30+ seasons, has me looking at tale, tale signs, Why is New Orleans only a 6 point favorite, when they have been blown out by many a team. On a true scale they would be laying 2 touchdowns. That is where my hypothesis comes in. Best of luck this week, because the last 3 weeks are always tough.

Posted : December 19, 2008 10:46 pm
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that was telltale signs... you will have to excuse my spelling here.. They put me on tramadol, so any opinion of a word that looks like it might need some help here, I will probably mispell it. anyway good luck to everyone this week.

Posted : December 19, 2008 11:00 pm
Posts: 7610
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Vegas, you shouldn't even be sitting upright pal

Tramadol (INN) (pronounced /ˈtræmədɒl/) is an opioid which is a centrally acting analgesic, used for treating moderate to severe pain. It is a synthetic agent, and appears to have actions on the μ-opioid receptor as well as the noradrenergic and serotonergic systems.

That's a gambler right there. I probably couldn't even keep from drooling if I was taking that stuff.

Take it easy bud and good like this weekend

Posted : December 20, 2008 9:13 am
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This stuff works good. You wouldn't believe the drugs they have fed me up until now. I went to the Doctor last month and told them to take me off of lortabs, they have given me cyclobenzaprine, etodolac,carisprodol, naproxen, and something else that I don't take anymore. I expected to be out maybe 6 to 8 weeks, but they didn't even schedule an operation for almost 4 months, and of course you know the rest of the story.

Posted : December 20, 2008 7:37 pm
Posts: 7610
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That totally sucks.

How did you originally get injured?

Posted : December 20, 2008 10:26 pm
Posts: 318493
Illustrious Member

This stuff works good. You wouldn't believe the drugs they have fed me up until now.


Posted : December 20, 2008 11:19 pm
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It started in May, I was loading bags, (I work for an airline), and this bag with 4 bowling balls in it, fell on my right hand and caught my middle finger, separating it from the knuckle. I set it, and then the company sent me to their contracted doctor (concentra), so I was out until July. The doctor at Concentra said that 6 weeks was all he could hold me out, but that if I had any problems with the hand to contact him. I worked about a month loading bags, but the pressure and pain of lifting them made me favor my left arm to do most of the work. In August, I could barely move my left arm and I was getting pain from the elbow down to my wrist. I went back to Concentra and they said I had tendonitis in my left arm. They gave me cortizone shots 3 times, underneath my elbow and on top of the arm. After two months, I told the doctor that it was getting worse, and she said that I needed an operation to fix it, since the cortizone wasn't working. I was waiting on the state to make a decision to approve the operation. So I went and got a second opinion. This doctor said I needed the operation. Finally the state approved the operation in December. They have had me on numerous pain killers, and anti swelling medicine for six months. I figure they will probably kill me with all these drugs before they fix my arm. The doctor that was supposed to do the operation, when I stopped breathing in the operating room still hasn't even contacted me. Thats been over a week. I did get an envelope with what looks like a prescription pad piece of paper that tells whoever I see next to do a EKG,CXG, and electrolytes. I guess in Nevada, the doctors don't get very personal. I sure thought he would say something though. I am going to retire, this was a wake up call for me. I have seen too many people not make it to retirement after busting their ass, all of their life. I worked as a sports and racebook writer for about two years here, while I was working for the airline, so I can do that for 3 more years until my retirement kicks in.

Posted : December 20, 2008 11:41 pm
Posts: 14
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Good luck to you

Sorry to hear your problems. Stop with the cortizone shots they do more harm then good. Its not the cortizone but the injection that does the damage.

Keep getting more opinions till you are satisfied. There is a specialist out there you just have to find them.

my history
02/2000-anthrax shot almost crippled me, 3yrs and about 20 specialists and 3 surgeries all better no lasting effects
04/2008- injured in Baghdad right shoulder 2 surgeries and still cant move it today almost paralyzed. docs around here say give it time, time my ass i havent slept more than 3 hrs straight, but not giving up and seeing specialist in Baltimore in Feb.

Just keep demanding to see a specialist that you are comfortable with, there are some out there just hard to find.

I hope your road is smoother from here on out.

I feel your pain about the meds, been on just about all of them. I thought the same.
When Im under meds I had to have a drool bucket under my chin and my wife puts vinegar on the windows so ill quit licking them.

Posted : December 21, 2008 12:00 pm
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Good luck to you to orfflyer, I hope you start feeling better too. All these pharmacy's have so many medications, and when you go to a different doctor, they always seem to prescribe something different.

Posted : December 21, 2008 12:09 pm