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What's Everyone Doing for Christmas?

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Anyone doing anything fly that makes me feel like a loser staying at home and making dinner for my family?

Posted : December 23, 2016 9:22 am
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i wouldnt consider that being a loser cash . i spent most of my younger days in a bar or club becomeing a pro drunk and at home i had a loving wife and kids .now thats a loser my friend . now that im older i regret that stuff and i stay home with them . have a great holliday sir and famliy .

Posted : December 23, 2016 10:14 am
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Shit, if I tried to spend even a minute in a bar on Christmas or Christmas Eve I wouldn't have a family to come home to. My old lady puts up with a lot of my shit but that would go over the line even for me. Her old man was a drunk though who died in a DD accident on Thanksgiving morning so that's always in the back of everyone's minds.

It's just a lot of work for me. Today I gotta break down a whole prime rib into ribs, steaks and the actual roast. Tomorrow we have to go to her dad's side of the family which is like a hour away at 5 in the evening. I also have to make the biscuit dough and precook the bacon for Christmas breakfast and then try to stay awake long enough to do the santa thing. Then on Christmas I have to make breakfast for my family, my parents and my old lady's mom then turn and burn and get started on dinner and an appetizer.

All this mind you while still running the business. My old lady and I made a pact though that once my son doesn't believe in Santa anymore the rest of our Christmas's will be spent either in Florida or Mexico so I'm just biding my time for a few more years.

Posted : December 23, 2016 11:05 am
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Going to my sisters for losers secret santa 😛

She does it every year for losers that don't have any where to go, it's a tradition with me lol

Posted : December 23, 2016 3:33 pm
Posts: 151
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Kick'in it with Greta.

Posted : December 23, 2016 3:37 pm
Posts: 401
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No plans , probably staying home and having peanut butter sandwiches

Posted : December 23, 2016 4:01 pm
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Damn, sounds like my Christmas will actually be awesome. You are some depressing dudes. 😆 😆

Posted : December 23, 2016 4:08 pm
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there now dosent seem so bad after all your blessed and you didnt even know it B) happy holidays every one

Posted : December 23, 2016 4:25 pm
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My parents have both passed when I was younger but so my brother comes over on Christmas Eve every year and we get drunk and play cards with our wives. Then do the santa thing and just chill at home on Christmas Day. Also have my wife's family about to show up and have a Christmas tonight as well. Pretty boring dude here too but wouldn't trade it

Posted : December 23, 2016 5:02 pm
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Only thing I would trade is going to my old lady's family tomorrow. That shit blows. They all smoke, I don't, the food is shit and takes like smoke and 5pm is wack. I am begging to leave by 9pm so we can get home before I pass out to set out all the gifts. I would happily have them all over here or even if we could do that shit at 3pm I could live with the shitty food and cancer but they won't budge.

Posted : December 23, 2016 7:55 pm
Posts: 1540
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Just got to LA w the wife. Gonna spend the nedt 11 days w the in laws..... i will have to be on my best behavior..
Going to vegas for a cpl days and then arizona to look at some rocks.

Posted : December 23, 2016 9:56 pm
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I spent New Years once in Vegas, worst NYE in my life. Not only is it cold as dick but it's like someone took a trailer park and shook it upside down onto the strip.

I can stay at home and spend my night with a bunch of pieces of shit freezing my ass off, why do I want to spend $400 on a plane ticket to do the same thing?

Posted : December 23, 2016 11:17 pm
Posts: 274
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Flew back to NC to be w family, driving to Atlanta to be w the in laws as well.. but it's always good to be w fam.

Posted : December 24, 2016 11:30 am