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Just when we thought our work was all done this year, it turns out that we got one more big race to win -- and it happens to be right in my old backyard of Louisiana.

The race in Louisiana's 4th District will be decided by a run-off election on December 6th. We have a great candidate in Paul Carmouche who's been a respected District Attorney in Caddo Parish for more than 30 years. He's exactly the kind of leader we need in Congress.

We knew the Republicans would try to twist Paul's impressive record of taking criminals off the streets, but the GOP hatchet men have hit a new low with their new fear and smear attack ads. It's up to us to set them straight. We have to act fast to help Paul Carmouche raise $25,000 by Friday and to help replenish DCCC resources to make sure we ensure our 25th victory this cycle.

Help the DCCC and Paul Carmouche with a generous gift of $20, $35, or even $50 by Friday to win the last race of the year and help the DCCC make it a whopping 25 Democratic Pickups in 2008.

With your help, we've already picked up an incredible 24 House seats this year -- but we depleted our resources in the process. When it comes to beating the Republicans, I'm all about running up the score. This is our last chance to turn another red seat blue this year and make it 25 Republican losses. You can help by giving either to Paul Carmouche directly or to the DCCC to help replenish resources to make sure we can help this race and keep our momentum going.

Help the DCCC and Paul Carmouche with a generous gift of $20, $35, or even $50 by Friday to win the last race of the year.

Republicans spent this year running the most extreme and out of touch candidates they could find. Looks like they were saving the worst for last with their candidate in this race, John Fleming.

Being a radical right-winger is bad enough, but lying about it is worse. Fleming admitted just last month that he supports George Bush's plan to privatize Social Security that would have seniors gambling their retirement savings on the very same stock market that plunges triple digits every week. Now he's running TV ads saying he'll "protect social security from the stock market." Give me a break. If there's one thing Louisianans don't like, it's a liar. We need your help to make darn sure that Louisiana voters get the facts.

Contribute $20, $35, or even $50 by Friday to win the last race of the year and make it a whopping 25 Democratic Pickups in 2008.

Thanks to you, 2008 is a year for the history books. We elected Barack Obama to the White House and strengthened our Democratic Majority by an incredible 24 seats.

Now let's make it 25 by bringing the last one home here in 2008.

James Carville

P.S. We've already picked up an incredible 24 House seats this year -- but we depleted our resources in the process. This is our last chance to turn another red seat blue this year and make it 25 Republican losses. Help the DCCC and Paul Carmouche with a generous gift of $20, $35, or even $50 by Friday.


Posted : November 17, 2008 5:51 pm