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401 keg plan

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If you had purchased $ 1000.00 of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00.
With Enron, you would have had $16.50 left of the original $1000.00.
With WorldCom, you would have had less than $5.00 left.
If you had purchased $1000 of Delta Air Lines stock you would have $36.00 left.

But, if you had purchased $1,000.00 worth of beer one year ago, drank all the beer, then turned in the cans for the aluminum recycling REFUND, You would have had $214.00.

Based on the above, the best current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

It's called the 401-Keg Plan

Posted : February 18, 2009 9:53 am
Posts: 112
Estimable Member

LOL now thats funny! We are having a meeting today on cutbacks at my job. Hey instead of worrying about it Ive already heard 5 people talk for 20 minutes about American Idol. It just seems as though everyone is blind until they are out of a job. Its gonna be a long time for things to get turned around.

Posted : February 18, 2009 10:04 am
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GM shares hit 74-year low

Posted : February 20, 2009 10:40 pm
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THe bottom will hit this summer. The problem is will we see a "V" recession, or even a milder "U" recession? Our experts think we will see an "L" recession. We'll bottom and stay there for a long time.

Posted : February 21, 2009 4:32 am
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Posted : March 1, 2009 11:05 am
Posts: 8
Active Member

That is pretty commical, however, you would have to be an idiot to purchase airline stock.

Posted : March 1, 2009 11:12 am
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New Member Guest

the repigs are commical

Posted : March 1, 2009 11:15 am
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New Member Guest

its sad but true the usa is broken!.... just thank the rethugs

Posted : March 1, 2009 11:43 am
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New Member Guest

If someone had told you one year ago that Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG, Washington Mutual, Wachovia, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and Citigroup (NYSE: C) would be either bankrupt or saved en route to bankruptcy, you probably would have laughed

Posted : March 4, 2009 6:58 pm
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c below 1.00
gm below 2 .......looks like chapter11

Posted : March 5, 2009 11:49 am
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Survey: One in 8 U.S. households late paying or in foreclosure

Posted : March 5, 2009 11:54 am
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Dow Takes its 2nd 4% Dive this Week - off 6.6% in 4 Days

Posted : March 5, 2009 4:58 pm
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Posted : March 5, 2009 4:58 pm