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employment falling
income falling
spending falling
housing falling
credit falling
GDP falling
confidence falling
stock market broken .......repigs all gotta go payback time!
sad, very sad.

Posted : January 22, 2009 4:11 pm
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Consumers are busy maxing their credit cards out. Nobody has any intention of paying. Why should they, nobody else is. Homeowners are jingle mailing. Banks just write it down. And the gov't? It just prints more. So the money really doesn't have any intrinsic value.

This will end very badly.

Posted : January 22, 2009 8:04 pm
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its a shame

Posted : January 22, 2009 8:05 pm
Posts: 245
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Now that the election is over, there is no longer a need to politicize your agenda. We have heard you say several THOUSAND times that the USA is broken and that it is ALL the Republicans fault. Rather than dwell on the past, let us hear how you would like to fix the problem and move forward. You don't ever offer any solutions. You obviously don't have that much faith in your newly elected officials, because if you did, you would be celebrating the "change" that is coming. By the way......How do you like Obama's choice for Treasury? Someone who didn't know he had to pay federal income taxes? Now that is change I am looking forward to. Since the "Repigs" are all responsible for everything bad in the past, the "Dums" will be accountable for our future! Sit down and enjoy the ride!

Posted : January 22, 2009 11:55 pm
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hes started already! and i love it!...the usa should of never been put in this situattion .......i hope war trials start and i would be real happy! ......Republicans are no good. U just cant clap your hands and everything is better!.. i know print more money... its the republiucan way ....not and never again

Posted : January 23, 2009 7:20 am
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I feel sorry for Obama. I really do. He Walked into the biggest pile of dung spun out of control on leverege, and dumbya gets to skate scott free with Paulie, dickie; wolfie and rummy, and coxie ...

Posted : January 23, 2009 7:36 am
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dow is down 3 weeks in a row ...... 6000 here we come

Posted : January 23, 2009 11:42 am
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and maybe and they will print more money

Posted : January 23, 2009 12:58 pm
Posts: 245
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You never answered the question about the tax cheat. I hear today that even the quartet at the inauguration was playing to taped music. You are being played by a bunch of phonies my friend. His own press secretary had no answers for the media in regards to the prisoners at Guantanamo. Oh shit.......now what? Obama won't be able to vote "present" anymore. He is in way over his head and already compromising integrity with one of the most important positions that you are most worried about (Treasury Secretary). That is the problem with many liberals. There are no ethical standards, yet there definitely is a double standard. Yes, Obama has inherited a mess, but you elected him to pull us out of it. Excuses won't solve problems and eventually your man will be judged on how well he responds to this crisis. I'm pulling for him, I just have serious doubts (like you do).

Posted : January 23, 2009 2:06 pm
Posts: 245
Reputable Member

and maybe and they will print more money

If they do, it's your boys now....not the Repigs right? Whenever you refer to they (now), I will assume you are talking about ALL Democrats. I want to speak to you on your terms. Something you can relate to 😉

Posted : January 23, 2009 2:14 pm
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we got to have trials for your boys , like i said no good and thats being nice... broke the whole usa ...remember the lies , mission accomplished , stay the course....wtf , payback time for all cheats lol

Posted : January 23, 2009 2:36 pm
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will the stock markt ever go up?....maybe print more and more money

Posted : January 23, 2009 3:55 pm
Posts: 1
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why is it that no one wants to investigate freddie and fannie? 16 trillion in bad loans that were mandated by barney frank. the chairman rec'd over 100 mil in bonus monies! no investigation, no recourse, no responsibility. seems to me the foxes are still running the henhouse.

Posted : January 23, 2009 6:25 pm
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The commercial complex where I work is mostly emptied. The only cars you see in the parking lot are those of the shop owners. I went by to check some of them out and I saw 1 owner guy playing online poker. I went to the shop next door and I caught another guy day trading. Seems like the once vibrant economy is already a cemetery. It’s dead out there folks, even the freeways are dead emptied too. Think I might move to Texas to milk damn cows with Bush. Hope I will marry his leftover daughter after I made some monies milking damn cows.

It’s not a recession that we are in …..
It’s already a depression, only people are too damn shy to admit it !!!

Posted : January 23, 2009 7:50 pm
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did u forget it took them a whole year to call a recession maybe we should all go get some duct tape ....u forget that or was it a bad dream of mine lol!

Posted : January 23, 2009 8:12 pm
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