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A New Movement: Indict Bush Now!

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A New Movement: Indict Bush Now!
Hold Bush and His Joint Co-Conspirators Criminally Accountable!

You can join the movement to indict Bush Administration officials who committed war crimes, "legalized" torture, and engaged in massive illegal spying and wiretapping against the American people. Click this link if you support the indictment of George W. Bush and other high officials.

The rule of law, justice, and basic integrity require the indictment for criminal wrongdoing of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld, Alberto Gonzales, and other high officials of the former Bush Administration.

The media establishment is surprised by the ground swell of support from the grassroots for the pursuit of individuals who committed grievous crimes during the Bush era.

We are not surprised that the people are demanding accountability for those who committed wars of aggression, torture, and subverted the Constitution and thus violated not only their oaths of office but domestic and international law.

Please make an urgently needed donation today to help make the Indict Bush movement grow, by clicking this link.

These crimes are not abstract nor can they be ignored as belonging to a distant past. Millions of people have suffered and continue to suffer because of the criminal invasion of Iraq.

The vital resources of the country have been drained in a criminal enterprise benefiting war profiteers. The people know of and are outraged by the billions of dollars in profit made by Dick Cheney's Halliburton and that is only the tip of the iceberg.

The pressure is building. President Obama said at his press conference this week, "My view is also that nobody's above the law, and if there are clear instances of wrongdoing, that people should be prosecuted just like any ordinary citizen," when asked about the pursuit of Bush Administration officials for criminal wrongdoing.

In a new poll, an astounding 2/3 of the American public favors investigating whether the Bush Administration broke the law. "A majority of respondents said a probe should be launched into allegations that the Bush team used torture...[and] investigators also should look into the former President's program of wiretapping U.S. citizens without first securing court-issued warrants." (AFP 2/12/09)

Help the Indict Bush movement by making a donation -- click this link.

The Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, John Conyers, and the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Patrick Leahy, are both proposing to launch investigations into the possibilities of criminal conduct by high officials in the Bush Administration.

Six years ago, Ramsey Clark launched the movement to Impeach Bush. You and more than a million other people came forward to demand the impeachment of Bush and other high ranking officials at VoteToImpeach and ImpeachBush. It was this movement with its principled and primary demand for accountability that changed the political climate in the United States. It broke open the media blockade with newspapers ads calling for impeachment. Community organizing, person to person outreach, and demonstrations shifted the debate and helped turn the tide against the impunity of Bush's crimes. He has been forced to leave office in disgrace.

A Criminal Indictment is Necessary

Now we are taking the next step in the pursuit of protecting and saving the Constitution. Justice will have no meaning without the prosecution of Bush, Cheney and others for their criminal acts. It would also have a resounding effect on all those who would dare to subvert the Constitution of the U.S., take the country into a war of aggression and trash the economy and the fundamental human rights of people in the U.S. and around the globe.

You can play an important role in this movement. By spreading the word to your friends, neighbors and coworkers you can help it grow into a powerful political force. Click this link to forward this message to your friends.

Sign the new petition demanding that Bush and Co. be indicted now. Get everyone you know to sign. We had to fight an uphill battle to bring articles of impeachment to the floor of Congress - but we did it! If you signed for impeachment and you believe indictment is a necessity - please take one moment to sign now! We need everyone's voices, coming together to be heard. Now is the time to act.

We have launched a major new initiative that will include grassroots pressure on Congress, press conferences, petitions, newspaper ads, rallies and mass demonstrations in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere.

As a proud member of the impeachment movement, become a charter member of the IndictBushNow campaign. Please give your generous support today to help launch this campaign and make it a powerful force by clicking here.

We can force the prosecution of Bush, Cheney and the other criminals. Please take action to make it happen.

--All of us at IndictBushNow.org

Posted : February 13, 2009 4:57 pm
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bush ruined the whole usa with his lies!

Posted : February 14, 2009 7:26 pm
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Posted : February 15, 2009 1:38 pm
Posts: 182
Estimable Member

Impeach Obama for low intelligence

Posted : February 15, 2009 2:43 pm
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i got my duct tape ready for u .....gotta take u to repig rehab lol... hahahahahahahahahhahah

Posted : February 15, 2009 4:12 pm
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maybe i give u 20 to join the democrats... rofl

Posted : February 15, 2009 4:13 pm
Posts: 182
Estimable Member

You don't want me. I'd set the intelligence curve a little too high.

Posted : February 15, 2009 4:47 pm
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• No weapons of mass destruction of any kind were found in Iraq.

• No mobile biological weapons labs were found in Iraq.

• Iraq did not seek to acquire yellowcake uranium from Africa.

• The aluminum tubes were not suitable for nuclear weapons development.

• Mohamed Atta, the lead 9/11 hijacker, did not meet with Iraqi intelligence in Prague.

• Iraq did not provide chemical weapons training to al-Qaeda.

• There was no collaborative relationship between Iraq and al-Qaeda.

• The implication that Iraq was involved in the attacks of 9/11 was untrue.

Posted : February 16, 2009 7:57 pm
Posts: 245
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Why did the House and Senate vote to go to war then? Are these the same members who voted for the biggest "spending" bill in history? The best part is that the Democrats will have to take full responsibility if it doesn't work. Unlike the Iraq War, where some "voted for it before they voted against it." 😀

Posted : February 16, 2009 8:28 pm
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A message from Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark:
'Why indictment is a must.'

I am writing to you as a long-time supporter of the ImpeachBush movement. More than a million people came forward to demand the impeachment of Bush and other high-ranking officials in the Bush administration.

I am appealing to you to make a donation to a growing new movement for the indictment and prosecution of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld, Alberto Gonzales and other high officials of the Bush administration who engaged in criminal wrongdoing.

Please make an urgently needed donation today to help the IndictBush movement grow by clicking this link.

The greatest danger arising from impunity for President Bush and his cohorts would be that all subsequent officials will feel secure in committing the same crimes and the people, having failed to compel impeachment for such open, notorious and egregious crimes, will feel even more helpless to prevent them. Ultimately the power and the responsibility to prevent criminal acts by government is with the people.

The movement for accountability is sweeping the country. The Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, John Conyers, and the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Patrick Leahy, are both proposing to launch investigations into the possibilities of criminal conduct by high officials in the Bush Administration.

Now is the time for massive outreach and publicity. This requires organizing national call-in days to pressure Congressional representatives, intensive media work, and providing literature for people of conscience to distribute in cities and towns across the country.

Please consider taking a moment right now to make a donation to this new movement for the indictment of Bush. There is no time to spare. The time to act is now and we will.

The crimes of the Bush administration must be proclaimed, acknowledged and remembered because their disastrous human consequences, dictatorial tendencies, subversion of Constitutional government and violation of the rights and dignity of humanity. They include wars of aggression, the crime against peace and the "Supreme International Crime," war crimes, and crimes against humanity, genocide by military violence "with intent to destroy in whole, or in part, a national... or religious group," authorizing and condoning massive violations of the Constitution of the United States, its Bill of Rights and other Amendments, international treaties including the U.N. Charter, Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Convention Against Torture, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Geneva Conventions.

The clear duty of the American people and their elected representatives -- on which the changes in U.S. government policies essential to achieve a peaceful, decent and humane future depend -- is the vigorous pursuit of the indictment of former President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and other high officials who have participated in their crimes, followed by rigorous criminal prosecution wherever the evidence, having been fully and fairly presented to a federal grand jury, results in their indictment.

The indictment of George W. Bush and other high officials is the challenge facing 'We, the People.' Will we rise to meet it? This is not a matter of politics or partisanship. It is the defense of the basic tenets of the Constitution. Please consider making a donation so we can get this movement off the ground and into the streets.


Ramsey Clark,
Former U.S. Attorney General

Posted : February 18, 2009 2:20 pm
Posts: 245
Reputable Member

FYI.......You can't impeach a man who is not in office anymore. What are you going to tell Bush?.........He can't be the President anymore? Anyway, when Clinton was impeached, he just said "no." So much for that option. 😀 I want to start a new website for you. It's called.............www.youneedtomoveon.org ;D

"You can't change what has happened in the past, but worrying about the future will ruin the PRESENT."

Posted : February 18, 2009 4:43 pm
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did u ever here war crimes

Posted : February 18, 2009 4:56 pm
Posts: 245
Reputable Member

Ain't gonna happen. Even Obama's people have said they won't pursue it. They would rather focus on the future. I would encourage you to do the same 😉

Posted : February 18, 2009 4:59 pm
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