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What's up Poppopt? ;D Just wondering why you haven't responded to the lying, cheating, Democrat Governor from Illinois. Does it not fit into your simple-minded agenda? If you are against "liars and cheats", then I can only imagine how appauled you must be. Your silence about this is deafening ??? By the way, for all you other Democrats who might be reading this post......don't take this personal. I actually have nothing against Democrats, just Poppopt's pea-sized brain.

Posted : December 11, 2008 5:47 pm
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look at the mess we are in ......tell me something that was good anytime under gb!

Posted : December 11, 2008 6:39 pm
Posts: 57
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I'll tell you what was good....WE HAVEN'T BEEN ATTACKED IN 7 YEARS...HELLO!!

Posted : December 11, 2008 6:50 pm
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Posted : December 11, 2008 7:04 pm
Posts: 245
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look at the mess we are in ......tell me something that was good anytime under gb!

That isn't the question I asked you. I want to know if you hold the same standards to someone who "lies"? I already told you what I thought was good in my last post. You are proving my point that you are very one dimensional. You want and need a scapegoat for the problems we are seeing. Never mind the fact that the House and Senate are run by Democrats. One man is not the cause of every problem. Let's not blame the banks, the auto industry, or the people who bought homes that they couldn't afford. Let's just blame Bush. That is a copout Poppopt. I can't wait to see how you handle Obama's failures in the next four years. If I had to bet money today, I bet you will blame all of his failures on Bush as well. We are smarter than that Poppopt.

Posted : December 12, 2008 1:50 pm
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holly cow.....u like the last 8 years..u want more of the same .......lets just look at the iraq war , who's idea ....and we been there for 8 years for what reason! .... 911 commision said no ties ....sick and tired of stay the course and mission accomplished..... i dont need to say one more thing much did it cost! and what did we acciomplish......just go to bagdad and wrap an american flag around u and take a stroll around town .......they dont want us there is no good never ever in my book! The bs they pulled and everyone of them bastards!

Posted : December 12, 2008 2:48 pm