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Got to ask you a question POP, just so we can get an idea where you are coming from, do you believe our government was behind 911?

Posted : February 6, 2009 1:52 pm
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New Member Guest

there are some unanswered questions about it...i cant belive they cant find one man ....are u kidding me and for 8 years it was all about wmd , stay the course and mission accomplished ......the 911 commission said iraq is not involved nor was sadam hussein ......are we really that stupid ....are we suckers .......... spent 800 billion on fighting terrorism .....what a joke !, really... just tell me one good program of the bush administration , u cant lol....i loved for how for 8 years he only spoke on a military base ..... ijust wish he had started the draft .....because these kids would of raised so much helll with all the bullshit!....dont u like how these guys are called back for 5 or 6 tours....thats a disgrace........say bye bye to blackwater!

Posted : February 6, 2009 2:07 pm
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Today's jobs report was worse than expected: 20,000 people lost their jobs every day in January!1

We're in crisis, and we need life support. President Obama's stimulus is really that urgent. But Washington is fiddling with partisan games instead of taking action.

Yesterday, conservative Democrats and Republicans delayed the Senate vote on the stimulus again. And now they're trying to gut the very job-creating investments we need—$100 billion cuts in education, energy efficiency, and help for struggling states!2

Senator Thomas Carper is one of the most influential senators in the current negotiation.

Can you call and ask Sen. Carper to speak out AGAINST cuts to the stimulus and FOR President Obama's plan? Tell him that if anything, the stimulus should be bigger, not smaller.

Senator Thomas Carper
Phone: 202-224-2441

Then, please report your call by clicking here:

This spending is what will stimulate the economy. Period. Tax cuts for corporations and the rich will not.3 We can't keep having this tired debate while our country is bleeding hundreds of jobs every hour.

What's the cost of not acting? This is what President Obama said this morning:

"If we don't do anything millions more jobs will be lost. More families will lose their homes. More Americans will go without health care. We'll continue to send our children to crumbling schools, and be crippled by our dependence on foreign oil. That is the result of the inaction, and it is not unacceptable to the American people."4

Conservative senators want to cut precisely these investments. Here's what's under the knife:5

school construction
Head Start
energy efficiency

aid for struggling states to prevent local service cuts
Investing in education is a place where you don't have to choose between short-term stimulus and long-term investment. School construction and Head Start create new jobs and improve the economic future of our children.

Improving energy efficiency in buildings creates new green jobs, putting laid-off construction workers back on the job. And in the long term, it helps slow the threat of climate change.

Can you ask Sen. Carper to vote AGAINST cuts to the stimulus and FOR President Obama's plan? Call now at:

Senator Thomas Carper
Phone: 202-224-2441

After you call, please let us know by clicking here:

–Noah, Peter, Carrie, Karin and the rest of the team

1. "Economy Shed 598,000 Jobs in January," The New York Times, February 6, 2009

2. "Stimulus Talks Set to Continue After Centrists Push Cuts," The New York Times, January 5, 2009

3. "Corporate Tax Rate Cut Likely To Be Ineffective as Stimulus," Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, January 23, 2009

4. "Obama: 'Now Is The Time For Congress To Act'," CBS News, February 6, 2009

5. "Senators in Both Parties Call For Big Cuts in Stimulus Bill," The Washington Post, February 6, 2009

Posted : February 6, 2009 2:15 pm
Posts: 245
Reputable Member

there are some unanswered questions about it...i cant belive they cant find one man ....

Double Dime, I think he answered your question right here. He is a conspiracy theorist who only knows how to pass blame, not accept responsibility for his own party's actions, and sing the same old worn out tune. I still haven't seen one person come on these forums and agree with his rhetoric. I think he does more damage for his own party than he could ever know. Just about every other day, someone new is coming on this site and asking who he is and what he's about. He will always come back with the same old answer......9/11, Iraq, no ties, where's Osama, WMD, Bush is the devil, etc., etc., etc...I find him amusing because I have always had a heart for special needs people ;D

Posted : February 6, 2009 4:34 pm
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rofl ...u are a rethug lol

Posted : February 6, 2009 4:47 pm
Posts: 182
Estimable Member

I'm confused.. how can 2 million blacks get into Washington DC in sub zero temps in 1 day when 200,000 couldn't get out of New Orleans at 85 degrees with four days notice.

LOL!!! That is hilarious. What's even funnier is that there were 2 million there, but only 14 missed work.

Posted : February 6, 2009 5:17 pm
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Compromise Stimulus Plan Is Cut Back to $780 Billion

Posted : February 6, 2009 6:13 pm
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