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Cheney's Role Deepens (NBC Reports - VP's office suggested waterboarding)

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Cheney's Role Deepens

by Robert Windrem

Former NBC Investigative Producer Robert Windrem reports that the Vice President’s office suggested waterboarding an Iraqi prisoner who was suspected of knowing about a relationship between Al Qaeda and Saddam.

Former NBC News Investigative Producer Robert Windrem, who covered terrorism for the network, reports exclusively in The Daily Beast that:

*Two U.S. intelligence officers confirm that Vice President Cheney’s office suggested waterboarding an Iraqi prisoner, a former intelligence official for Saddam Hussein, who was suspected to have knowledge of a Saddam-Al Qaeda connection.

The former chief of the Iraq Survey Group, Charles Duelfer, in charge of interrogations, tells The Daily Beast that he considered the request reprehensible.

****Much of the information in the report of the 9/11 Commission was provided through more than 30 sessions of torture of detainees.


Posted : May 13, 2009 7:56 pm