chupacabra, whats s...
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chupacabra, whats so good?

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i cant think of 1 good thing, nothing notta .....all bs i fired everyone that worked for me that was a republican!...Its going 2 get a lot worse before it gets any better! u must be a real nazi , gl to u !

Posted : December 3, 2008 11:25 pm
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Things will continue to get worse. Bush has put our country into a downward spiral from which we may never recover. WE are hundreds of billions in debt, not even any principal on the debt has been paid, interest alone will be hundreds of billions. Flash:

Posted : December 4, 2008 4:23 am
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i am waiting ....i got u all day all night and all around and around the block!

Posted : December 4, 2008 11:31 am
Posts: 245
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What's up Poppopt? Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you. I had to go to work, something you're probably not used to. I'm sorry you had to fire all your Republican workers. Who is going to do all the work for you now? Maybe you can hire all Democrats, let them stay at home on their ass, give them a pay raise for being loyal to your party, get taxed at a higher rate than you are now, and still blame Bush for all your problems until you die. I find it funny how you can blame everything on one man when your party controls the House and Senate. As far as naming one good thing that has happened, let me name a few:
1. The U.S. hasn't had another terror attack on our soil since 911.
2. I have a good job with benefits.
3. I own a home.
4. I have a healthy family.
5. I live in a free country that allows free speech. (You should be thankful for this one!)
6. Gas prices are down.......(I know you're still waiting to give Obama credit for this)
7. The Iraq war wasn't for oil......(If it was, gas would be free, wouldn't it?)
8. Where else would you rather live......(If other than U.S., move there!)
9. And last but not least......I'm glad I'm not paranoid like you!

Posted : December 4, 2008 3:20 pm
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What's up Poppopt? Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you. I had to go to work, something you're probably not used to. I'm sorry you had to fire all your Republican workers. Who is going to do all the work for you now? Maybe you can hire all Democrats, let them stay at home on their ass, give them a pay raise for being loyal to your party, get taxed at a higher rate than you are now, and still blame Bush for all your problems until you die. I find it funny how you can blame everything on one man when your party controls the House and Senate. As far as naming one good thing that has happened, let me name a few:
1. The U.S. hasn't had another terror attack on our soil since 911.
2. I have a good job with benefits.
3. I own a home.
4. I have a healthy family.
5. I live in a free country that allows free speech. (You should be thankful for this one!)
6. Gas prices are down.......(I know you're still waiting to give Obama credit for this)
7. The Iraq war wasn't for oil......(If it was, gas would be free, wouldn't it?)
8. Where else would you rather live......(If other than U.S., move there!)
9. And last but not least......I'm glad I'm not paranoid like you!

1.oh , i just feel so much safer .....i think u should go to iraq and wrap an american flag around yourself and just walk around bagdad.
2- i am healthy and care about other people
3. i own a company
4.i am healthy
5.oh i like my free speech but icant stand no good liars!
6.yea gas is down but not what u think!..its called demand and its low and getting lower ...i am shorting oil and hope they swim in it and drown!
7 well iraq wasnt for 911 was it , 911 commision said no ties..
8.usa is falling apart , havent u noticed .....just open your eyes
9 paranoid , not me , mad as hell though and dont like lying republicans! .

Posted : December 4, 2008 4:16 pm
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are u a nazi... i cant figure u out

Posted : December 4, 2008 4:19 pm
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welcome 2 the site

Posted : December 4, 2008 4:20 pm
Posts: 245
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I don't expect you to ever figure me out. You are too one dimensional in your thinking. What is your definition of a nazi? Someone who disagrees with you and is smart enough to know that all of our problems can't be caused by one man or one party? I thought nazis were responsible for trying to eliminate an entire race from the planet. You know "master race". You seem to have more of a "nazi" attitude (i.e. your view towards Republicans) and the Democrats can do no wrong. What is your response to the Dems owning the House and Senate? No responsibility there? Rather than focusing on nazis, you should become more educated on Socialism. You're gonna need it in the next few years.

Posted : December 4, 2008 4:36 pm
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Posted : December 4, 2008 5:03 pm
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Happy Holidays? Economy Goes From Bad to Worse

Posted : December 4, 2008 5:13 pm
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Auto supporter unsure bailout can pass Congress

Posted : December 7, 2008 11:35 am
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i can go on for days bring it on and on my friend!

Posted : December 11, 2008 6:43 pm