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Last week, Rush Limbaugh gave us a preview of the outrageous Republican attacks that are on the way against President Obama and every Democrat working for change. Rush actually said that he 'hopes' President Obama fails to meet America's challenges.

Listen to Rush in his own words, saying "I hope he fails."

Limbaugh's cheap shot at President Obama might be the first by the Republican attack machine this year but we know that it won't be the last.

We need every grassroots Democrat to show Rush Limbaugh and all of the Republicans what they're up against if they start attacking President Obama and Democrats who are working to end the failed GOP policies of the last eight years.

Tell Rush what you think of his attacks on President Obama. We'll send him your comments.

Jobs, health care, our place in the world — the stakes for our nation are high and every American needs President Obama to succeed. Creating real change requires every American stand strong against Rush Limbaugh's attacks — and all of the other partisan attacks from desperate Republicans that are on the way.

Let's start right here and now.

Posted : January 27, 2009 11:13 am
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Posted : January 27, 2009 11:14 am
Posts: 57
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Hey POP You really got to get a life. Every rant just shows how uninformed you are . Keep on ranting so we can all keep on laughing. I suppose your buddy Barny Frank has the right to give $12,000,000 to his favorite bank in MA and you think that's OK. I hear the bank president bent over for him and some of the other Dums.

Posted : January 27, 2009 11:32 am
Posts: 245
Reputable Member

Yeah, let's take away someone's right for free speech. I bet you didn't complain much the last 8 years when Bush was being blasted (by the mainstream media I might add). This might hurt someone's feelings. I believe we should give Obama a chance and I hope he does succeed, but he's gonna need to stop being so sensitive. You know, stand up when he pees! How many of you and your friends wanted Bush to succeed. Probably not are just bitter because he "stole" the election. Double standards don't work with most intelligent people. I think what scares most Democrats about Rush is that he is usually correct and he has a HUGE following. Let's all hold hands and let Rush know how much he means to all of us 😛 week in office and he is already unhappy about differences of opinion? He's going to need to get some thick skin quick. Could you imagine Bush making a big deal everytime Bill Maher or those other idiots on MSNBC bashed him? The reason why he didn't is because he wasn't threatened by them and he acted professionaly in his position.

Posted : January 27, 2009 11:06 pm
Posts: 182
Estimable Member

Point of clarification. The media misinterpreted this as well. Rush did NOT say that he wanted Obama to fail. What he said was that he wanted Obama's policies to fail, because they are bad for America. Quite a difference.

Posted : January 28, 2009 5:26 am
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Rush Limbaugh Scolded By GOP Congressman

Posted : January 28, 2009 6:31 pm
Posts: 182
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vote for Rush...

Posted : January 30, 2009 8:20 pm
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These people really don’t deserve to be taken seriously, and certainly they should not be allowed to obstruct serious efforts to put our country back together again.

Posted : January 31, 2009 3:12 am
Posts: 182
Estimable Member

Rush is da man!

Posted : January 31, 2009 11:15 am