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doomsday soon!

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Here’s how the collapse is being orchestrated; the U.S. federal government continues to run up annual deficits of almost half a trillion per year. They must borrow that money and pay interest on it."

"Two factors are now coming into play:
1) Funding the U.S. annual deficit now requires 80-90% of the savings of the entire planet, which is unsustainable."

"2) Interest on the now ten trillion national debt is wiping out what the federal government is taking-in via taxes."

"Very soon, the US national debt will become unserviceable because of one of the two items listed above. When the day comes that the US can no longer service its debt, the Treasury Secretary will declare a “force majeur;” a force they cannot control. . . . . preventing servicing of the debt."

"The declaration will be made on a weekday, around 12:38 PM, after the European and Asian markets have closed, and while much of the US east coast is at lunch to prevent them from panic dumping the dollars they hold."

"This declaration will be interpreted by the money guys as a defacto repudiation of our national debt."

"Within an hour, the US Stock market will begin massive collapse as people rush to liquidate assets and transfer them out of US dollars and out of the country. It will happen so fast that the average American will be totally blind-sided and not have a clue what to do."

"The following day, European and Asian markets will open, crash and close. Massive “runs” will begin upon US banks. The banks will be ordered CLOSED by the federal reserve."

"By the third day, US troops will be deployed around each of the federal reserve banks to protect the gold bullion stored in them from angry Americans who see by now they have lost everything."


"Those persons without gold, silver or foreign bank accounts denominated in foreign currencies, will be left instantly, totally, destitute; unless they accept the merging of the US with Canada and Mexico into something called the North American Union (NAU) and take the new AMERO currency for pennies on the dollar."

Posted : December 15, 2008 8:54 am