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FBI lured dimwits into terror plot

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The arrest of petty crooks over a plan to target Jews has put the use of sting operations under fire


The operation was acclaimed by New York officials for its success in averting what David Paterson, the state governor, described as “a heinous crime”.

Yet not every New Yorker was impressed by the latest in a long line of purported anti-terrorist triumphs that have supposedly averted tragedy in New York, Chicago, Toronto and several other North American cities since

“This whole operation was a foolish waste of time and money,” claimed Terence Kindlon, a defence lawyer who represented the last terror suspect to be tried in New York state. “It is almost as if the FBI cooked up the plot and found four idiots to install as defendants.”

Kindlon’s complaints were echoed by other legal experts who have repeatedly questioned the FBI’s reliance on undercover informants – known as confidential witnesses (CWs) – who lure gullible radicals into far-fetched plots that are then foiled by the agents monitoring them.


Read more: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_amer...

Posted : May 24, 2009 6:25 am
Posts: 396
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roflmao ......war on terror ..ok stupid lose 2006 , 2008 and will in 2010

Posted : May 24, 2009 6:26 am
Posts: 396
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have u ever heard such bs .....republican party is no good..all bs for 8 years ...1 big lie... the repig party of losers

Posted : May 24, 2009 6:27 am
Posts: 245
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Gotta love your source of information. A defense lawyer calls these techniques a waste of time and money 😀 It seems like any time a terror plot is foiled, you get upset. Take your blinders off Popp! You are on the opposite side of what most true Americans expect from our FBI, CIA, etc. While they are doing their best to keep us safe, ASSCLOWNS like yourself continue to side with the terrorists. This whole "terror" joke to you will only be a "joke" until the next successful plot takes place. You are a pitiful form of existence 😛

Posted : May 24, 2009 2:56 pm
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Posted : May 24, 2009 3:17 pm
Posts: 245
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You're right......I do fear another 9/11. If you think the terrorists care if a sympathizer is in office, think again. These guys from New York were prepared to act whether you want to believe it or not. You don't go out and try to buy anti-aircraft missles as collectors items. How short your memory is. You obviously had no connection with anyone who was affected by 9/11. If you did, you wouldn't be making a mockery it. I will say it again, you are on the wrong side of America in your views. How does it feel to be in the pitiful minority?

Posted : May 25, 2009 12:42 am
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if u like the last 8 years and u feel safer ... i feel sorry for u

Posted : May 25, 2009 1:09 am
Posts: 23
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There was no terrorist attack on 9/11 and I intend to prove it to you:

First of all, we will start with the controlled demolition on the World Trade Center. In order for the buildings to fall in a virtually symmetrical fashion, and for them to fall at about the same speed as the force of gravity, all of the building's 100 odd supporting columns had to disintegrate simultaneously or there would have been elements of resistance which would have disrupted a perfect implosion.

Furthermore, the government restricted all attempts to investigate what would have been the greatest scientific mystery of all time, until after they had completed exporting the pertinent evidence outside of the country.

Secondly, the nose of a commercial airplane has the statistical density of a less than half full aluminum can. Moving at 500 miles per hour, the nose of each plane impacting the steel reinforced concrete facade would have caused the entire plane to explode into a fireball. Practically, no piece of the plane should have penetrated the buildings wall. In fact, only a missile made of depleted uranium could have penetrated, and those missiles were constructed to look exactly like commercial airliners.

Obviously, the secret service knew there was no danger, since the protocol which is to move the president to an undisclosed location at the time of an attack was aborted.

9/11 was a false flag military operation and the war on terror is nothing less than a scheme to eliminate a disobedient class of humans from valuable oil rich land.

Stick that terrorist attack up your ass.

Posted : May 25, 2009 7:40 am
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My insurance wasn't good enough," said Lord McWilliams, 20, who has a deadly liver disease.

His brother, David Williams, wanted money "to speed up the process," McWilliams said. "Medicaid only goes so far."

He dismissed as "crazy" federal accusations that Williams was a Jew-hater who wanted to wage jihad.

McWilliams said the FBI informant who lured his brother and three other hapless petty criminals into a plot to blow up synagogues and shoot down a plane promised enough money to take care of his transplant.

"My brother told me, 'Don't worry, when you go to the doctor, tell them you got money,'" McWilliams said.

McWilliams, who has already had his spleen removed, said his brother told him he would have $20,000 for the operation.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_crime/2009/05/25/200...


The F.B.I. informant even promised to take the sick brother-Lord McWilliams to Universal Studios when he was well again.

Homegrown terrorist or desperate men? The FBI says that David Williams is the most dangerous of the four. Sounds more like a man desperate to save his brother's life.


Family and friends say the four were down-on-their luck ex-cons who apparently thought they would be paid by the FBI informant.

In dozens of interviews around Newburgh, no one can remember hearing any of the four talk of Jews or jihad.

The informant, Shahed Hussain, is a Pakistani immigrant who went undercover for the feds seven years ago to avoid deportation after being convicted of fraud. He was not authorized to pay anyone.

Also: NYPD, FBI heroes honored after foiling terror plot to bomb Riverdale synagogues


"Even though cops called Cromitie the ringleader, Snyder singled out David Williams as the meanest of the bad-news bunch, saying he bragged he'd shoot anyone who tried to stop him."

Posted : May 25, 2009 11:30 am
Posts: 245
Reputable Member

Wow NFLMan! I never thought of that angle 😀 I bet the thousands of peoples' families who died in that attack would love to hear ASSCLOWNs such as yourself tie a conspiracy theory to it. Please don't take this the wrong way, but FUCK YOU!

Posted : May 26, 2009 2:30 pm
Posts: 245
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Secondly, the nose of a commercial airplane has the statistical density of a less than half full aluminum can. Moving at 500 miles per hour, the nose of each plane impacting the steel reinforced concrete facade would have caused the entire plane to explode into a fireball. Practically, no piece of the plane should have penetrated the buildings wall. In fact, only a missile made of depleted uranium could have penetrated, and those missiles were constructed to look exactly like commercial airliners.

How did the passengers get on those missles? 😀 Are they making them with seats now? Pretty much every plane crash I've seen footage of has resulted in a giant "fireball". 😀 I'm going to stop flying now. I didn't realize they were made from 40 ouncers. You are a true genius NFLMan!

Posted : May 26, 2009 2:58 pm