GOP Types truly do ...
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GOP Types truly do suck.

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About 60 days Obama has been in Office and GOP types already want Obama to fix all the mess the GOP created in the last eight years. LOL. They were around during Bush too you know. And FYI, North Korea actually tested nukes on Bush's watch. Were was your @#$%ing then? I know you like to be afraid and all, given that GOP is the party of fear, but you think anyone in America is buying your continued lunacy? You all look like fear mongering wimps with a hint of "nuts" I think its hillarious. And you'll see in 2010 just what the rest of the country thinks too as more and more of the "old guard" die off and the next generation who often spits when they hear your name start to vote in more significant numbers. GOP = Tories of Yor. You have no clue and you are pretty much out of time. In fact, I think you are a truly un-American. Traitors..all. (Reminds me of a day..hmm...I was told to move to France once I think?) Culture wars are a @#$%. Now you all can reap what you have sown. You ailenated too many. Now, your f'd. You and the Rush Limbaugh clowns may pat eachother on the back, but it will amount to nothing but material for comedy central. Bottom line, keep it up. Its like watching idiots pour gasoline on themselves while lighting fireworks. Its not going to end well.

Posted : April 22, 2009 9:22 am
Posts: 396
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What is going on is not about the GOP or Obama.
What is going on is a struggle between the supporters of truly free, safe America, and the fascists headed by Gobel’s grandson Rush Limbaugh.
VP Cheney peacemaker is a lie, Vampires are heartless.

Posted : April 22, 2009 9:32 am
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those printing presses are broke ....time 2 pay up

Posted : April 22, 2009 9:39 am
Posts: 245
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About 60 days Obama has been in Office and GOP types already want Obama to fix all the mess the GOP created in the last eight years.Isn't that what you elected him to do? Isn't the messiah capable of that? Actually, what people are worried about is that he will make things much worse than they already are. Quadrupaling the deficit shouldn't be looked at as a good thing. LOL. They were around during Bush too you know. We had the Dumbs for that. Now it is our turn. The difference can't handle criticism. You preach tolerance, yet you are probably some of the most intolerant people I knowAnd FYI, North Korea actually tested nukes on Bush's watch. Were was your @#$%ing then? Obama should just apologize to Kim Jong Il and maybe he'll get rid of his program. Or better yet, let's get rid of all our nukes first, like Obama pledges, then everyone else can follow suit. In other words, we'll bring a knife to a gunfight.I know you like to be afraid and all, given that GOP is the party of fearYou're right, Obama is the new "kickass" macho leader of the world 😀 He showed his balls by apologizing to all the dictators of the world. What a fucking PUSSY!, but you think anyone in America is buying your continued lunacy? You all look like fear mongering wimps My elephant would kick your silly ASS, turn you into a pretzel and make you lick the backside of your nutswith a hint of "nuts" I think its hillarious. And you'll see in 2010 just what the rest of the country thinks too as more and more of the "old guard" die off and the next generation who often spits when they hear your name start to vote in more significant numbers. GOP = Tories of Yor. You have no clue and you are pretty much out of time. In fact, I think you are a truly un-American. Traitors..all. (Reminds me of a day..hmm...I was told to move to France once I think?)Don't don't have to move anymore. The United States of Europe has taken over our country. Culture wars are a @#$%. Now you all can reap what you have sown. You ailenated too many. Now, your f'd. You and the Rush Limbaugh clowns may pat eachother on the back, but it will amount to nothing but material for comedy central. Bottom line, keep it up. Its like watching idiots pour gasoline on themselves while lighting fireworks. Its not going to end well. Listening to you is like taking a shit. Your views have no nutritional value. It feels good to get you out of my system. You smell because you have been fermenting too long. You leave stains when I wipe you. I give a safety wipe to make sure you don't come back. You leave a skid mark as you circle the bowl. Everyone is happy when you are finally gone. The only problem is, the next day I have to shit again ;D

Posted : April 22, 2009 7:25 pm
Posts: 396
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AP Poll: Americans High on Obama, Direction of US. window.google_render_ad(); Source: NYT/AP

For the first time in years, more Americans than not say the country is headed in the right direction, a sign that Barack Obama has used the first 100 days of his presidency to lift the public's mood and inspire hopes for a brighter future.

Intensely worried about their personal finances and medical expenses, Americans nonetheless appear realistic about the time Obama might need to turn things around, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. It shows most Americans consider their new president to be a strong, ethical and empathetic leader who is working to change Washington.

Nobody knows how long the honeymoon will last, but Obama has clearly transformed the yes-we-can spirit of his candidacy into a tool of governance.

Read more:

Posted : April 23, 2009 11:31 am