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lets go georgia

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didn't agree with President Bush's decision to invade Iraq. But I am even more disappointed with many Republican senators who repeatedly vote to deny our troops the medical care, protection and equipment they need. Georgia's Saxby Chambliss is one such senator, but he claims to be a supporter of our troops and veterans.

Expose Saxby Chambliss's record of failing America's veterans >>

Chambliss is locked in a tight December 2 runoff election with Democrat Jim Martin for his Senate seat, and he's trying to paint himself as a friend to veterans and men and women in the service. But his voting record reveals the truth:

He opposed the Webb Amendment that would guarantee troops time at home between deployments.
He voted against increasing funding for veterans' health care 23 times.
He repeatedly voted against funding armored vehicles, equipment and body armor for troops and military equipment repair.
Saxby Chambliss must be upfront with Georgia voters in the days leading up to this race to decide a critical Senate seat! Tell Chambliss: Cease campaigning as a friend to America's veterans and instead address questions on how you've already failed them! >>

Thank you,
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

Posted : November 25, 2008 5:29 pm
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get rid of the fools

Posted : November 26, 2008 9:33 am
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Oldest Palin boy Alleged to be addicted to CRANK 10-Sep-08 10:40 pm Crazy stuff, if it's true!

Kids these days can be scary.

The snoopy National Enquirer has allegedly unveiled some blockbuster
stuff about VP candidate Sarah Palin's kids.

First, her Iraq-bound son, Track, is supposedly a drug addict.

We can't be too quick to dismiss the mag. They were right about John
Edwards, his affair and the love child!

The Enquirer claims that for the past two years, the eldest son,
Track, has supposedly been addicted to the painkiller OxyCotin — he
snored it, ate it, smoked it and even injected it, said the tab.

Locals are totally selling the Palins out!

Someone who has 'partied' with Track tells the rag, "I've partied with
him (Track) for years. I've seen him snort cocaine, snort and smoke
OxyContin, drink booze and smoke weed."

The source also went on to say that girls would do anything for Track
and he'd use his 'local celebrity' to get other guys "to get them to
steal things he wanted."

Here's the scary last bit!

The snitch adds, "He finally did what a lot of troubled kids here do.
You join the military."

Doesn't the military do crazy testing before you can join?!?!

Now on to teen mommy Bristol. The Enquirer 'discovered' that the now-
preggers Bristol was also a handful for her parents.

Another local tattle tale revealed that back in the day, Bristol
pAArtied just as hard as Track. "Bristol was a huge stoner and
drinker," a snitch tells the mag. "I've seen her smoke pot and get
drunk and make out with so many guys. All the guys would brag that he
just made out with Bristol."

Posted : November 26, 2008 9:39 am
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New-Home Sales Tumble to 18-Year Low in October

Posted : November 26, 2008 11:20 am
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Posted : December 2, 2008 5:48 pm