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McCain leading !!!

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Breaking from

Zogby Shocker: McCain Leads Obama In Latest Poll

Dick Morris tells Newsmax that Friday night's polling for Zogby of 1000 likely voters shows a huge shift for John McCain. Zogby's poll, conducted on Friday night only, has McCain at 48% and Obama at 47%.

Zogby's overall poll has Obama with a lead — but that's based on a three-day average that includes Wednesday and Thursday polling data.

"There is a seismic shift for McCain; it could turn into an earthquake this weekend," Dick Morris told Newsmax

Posted : November 1, 2008 4:09 pm
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what planet u on ....that figures news max...or fox ...yea right much u wanna wager?

Posted : November 1, 2008 4:19 pm
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Already did. Getting 4.5 to 1. But thanks anyway. Ya sweatin' yet?

Posted : November 1, 2008 4:35 pm
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my 401 is a 201 is a 101 is a 51 .....everthing broken off defecit and balance the budget gee wiz,,,, cant run your house like these fools run the government!

Posted : November 1, 2008 4:38 pm
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name me something good ....u cant gl on your bet you will need it!

Posted : November 1, 2008 4:40 pm
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You sound like a reasonable guy. Someone with whom I could have an intelligent exchange of ideas. But, if you haven't already figured this out, we just have differing opinions.

Is McCain my first choice for president? Hell no. Not conservative enough for me and pampers the left too much. But he's all I've got right now. Obama really scares me. I've noticed that most of your posts are anti-McCain/republican but really nothing pro-Obama. Do you really trust him? you? Sorry, I just can't. Too much anti American stuff in his background, not to mention the Muslim connection. I think that scares me most of all.

Yeah, the economy is in trouble. Neither one of them is proposing a fix. Obama with tax cuts that sound good but will translate into tax increases over time. The Bush tax cuts will go away in 2010 and that is an immediate tax increase on everybody. The way to fix it is lower the tax rates for businesses and individuals. The businesses are the ones who create jobs, not the government. Make corporate tax rates the least in the world and throttle the unions. That will bring industries back into the U.S. which in turn will create more jobs and create more tax money for the government because more and more people will have good paying jobs. My main beef with the democrats is that they are all increased tax based, when lowering taxes creates a better economy. That's been proven over and over again.

Posted : November 1, 2008 4:51 pm
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I agree with you by the way on paying off the deficit and balancing the budget. But that's not just the republicans fault. Democrats are just as responsible.

Posted : November 1, 2008 4:54 pm
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they should drill everywhere, cant send all this money out of usa

Posted : November 1, 2008 5:01 pm
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Yep. If Ive got oil in my backyard, bring in the machines baby.

Posted : November 1, 2008 5:16 pm
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we need a change

Posted : November 1, 2008 5:23 pm
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But change just for change's sake is not necessarily a good thing. I think Obama would take us down a road that would take years to recover from. I'm not saying McCain will fix everything because I know he won't, especially with a totally democratic congress. He's just less dangerous. Surely you've got to agree with some of this.

Posted : November 1, 2008 5:42 pm
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republicans will pay the price

Posted : November 1, 2008 5:53 pm