My son gets free lu...
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My son gets free lunch.

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I have an idea. Since welfare and entitlements are inevitible, why doesn't the government make it mandatory for the recipients to work for it. There are going to be many infrastructure projects taking place and I bet if you put a shovel in some of these peoples' hands, it may give them incentive to get off the government teat. This way, they can EARN their money and the taxpayers who are footing this bill can feel like they are actually getting something in return. Sitting back and getting something for nothing will not move this country forward. It is called enabling. At least this person seems appreciative for the taxpayers who have helped their family. Most probably don't even realize that taxpayers are the ones, not the government, who are helping them. Just curious.........isn't the rainbow flag a symbol for being gay? How did they have children ???

Posted : February 27, 2009 11:08 pm