Nancy & the Rattle ...
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Nancy & the Rattle Snake

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I have been watching the media reports on the growing conflict between Speaker Nancy Pelosi and those who are seeking to stop any further investigation into the OVP’s torture policy. It reminds me of an old story that I learned when I was young, involving an Indian teenager and a snake.

In such old stories, snakes tend to represent "the devil," or more specifically, "doers of evil." Hence, for years, I’ve made references to VP Cheney as a snake, not meaning the actual creature, but the implied human status. The snake lies, and convinces the individual that they can find some benefit from doing something they know that they should not.

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In this story, the youngster has climbed a high mountain. He encounters a rattle snake, shivering in the cold. The boy asks the snake why it is on the mountain? It answers that it got lost, and that the bitter cold now threatens its life. The snake asks the boy to take it and place it in the warmth of his shirt, and to carry it down the mountain, to where it is warm.

The boy responds, "But you are a rattle snake, and dangerous to me." The snake replies, "If you help me this one time, I promise not to hurt you. In fact, if you help me, I will give you a valuable reward."

The boy takes the snake, and places it inside his shirt, and walks down the mountain. When he gets to the bottom, he is excited as he anticipates his reward. As he begins to pull the snake out of his shirt, it bites him.

"But you promised. You said that you would not hurt me, and that you would give me a valuable reward," the boy protested, as he lay dying.

"But you knew I was a rattle snake," the snake answered. "It’s my nature to lie and bite."

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I tend to believe what Nancy Pelosi said at her press conference yesterday was true. But as she is finding out, snakes can shift shapes, and can twist things in such a manner that the truth appears as a lie, and lies the truth. This is especially true when they filter lies through certain intelligence agencies that engage in misinformation and disinformation. The corporate news media, for example, employs many snakes who purposely spread misinformation, just as surely as the agencies they front for spread disinformation.

In Nancy’s circumstance, her mistake was cuddling that rattle snake, when she took impeachment off the table. Giving comfort to a rattle snake is risky business. The "reward" one gains rarely turns out to be what one anticipated

Posted : May 16, 2009 8:57 am
Posts: 43
Eminent Member

I have been watching the media reports on the growing conflict between Speaker Nancy Pelosi and those who are seeking to stop any further investigation into the OVP’s torture policy. It reminds me of an old story that I learned when I was young, involving an Indian teenager and a snake.

In such old stories, snakes tend to represent "the devil," or more specifically, "doers of evil." Hence, for years, I’ve made references to VP Cheney as a snake, not meaning the actual creature, but the implied human status. The snake lies, and convinces the individual that they can find some benefit from doing something they know that they should not.

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In this story, the youngster has climbed a high mountain. He encounters a rattle snake, shivering in the cold. The boy asks the snake why it is on the mountain? It answers that it got lost, and that the bitter cold now threatens its life. The snake asks the boy to take it and place it in the warmth of his shirt, and to carry it down the mountain, to where it is warm.

The boy responds, "But you are a rattle snake, and dangerous to me." The snake replies, "If you help me this one time, I promise not to hurt you. In fact, if you help me, I will give you a valuable reward."

The boy takes the snake, and places it inside his shirt, and walks down the mountain. When he gets to the bottom, he is excited as he anticipates his reward. As he begins to pull the snake out of his shirt, it bites him.

"But you promised. You said that you would not hurt me, and that you would give me a valuable reward," the boy protested, as he lay dying.

"But you knew I was a rattle snake," the snake answered. "It’s my nature to lie and bite."

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I tend to believe what Nancy Pelosi said at her press conference yesterday was true. But as she is finding out, snakes can shift shapes, and can twist things in such a manner that the truth appears as a lie, and lies the truth. This is especially true when they filter lies through certain intelligence agencies that engage in misinformation and disinformation. The corporate news media, for example, employs many snakes who purposely spread misinformation, just as surely as the agencies they front for spread disinformation.

In Nancy’s circumstance, her mistake was cuddling that rattle snake, when she took impeachment off the table. Giving comfort to a rattle snake is risky business. The "reward" one gains rarely turns out to be what one anticipated

Why don't you take your political stuff to someplace other than a sports site? We are tired of it.

By the way, Pelosi and Reed are two of the stupidest people in Congress.

Posted : May 16, 2009 9:16 am
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the biggest liar in the world is bush , remember that bs stay the course, and mission accomplished , strong economic fundamentals .......less and less reigs every election... i love it ....maybe chenny and bush go 2 jail ....rethugs are really stupid. oh , i almost forgot wmd"s... no snakes every going bite this country back ever again.

Posted : May 16, 2009 9:34 am
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8 years of bullshit!

Posted : May 16, 2009 9:35 am
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Posts: 396
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down with all rethugs and anyone who supported that traitor bush .....say bye bye that jackjaass liberman.. the sooner the better

Posted : May 16, 2009 3:52 pm
Posts: 245
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Nancy Pelosi IS the rattlesnake of this story. She coiled up, made all that noise with her ass, and tried to strike the Bush administration with her venomous accusations. The problem is, she knew about it the whole time and didn't say a word about it. Her sole objective was to undermine the Bush administration so they could get a Democrat elected. She succeeded, but now the truth is coming out. She has accused the CIA of lying, something that the 3rd person in line should not be doing. She has lost her credibility and the head of that snake will be cut off when she is booted from her Speaker position this fall. Mark my words......this will happen.

Posted : May 17, 2009 2:55 pm
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Posted : May 17, 2009 3:34 pm
Posts: 396
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gop message ....torture ok

Posted : May 17, 2009 3:34 pm