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POP...stop posting links...just talk

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now thats why u lost the last 2 elections and get me a betting line now ...... ill put up .....that repigs ,repukes, and rethugs lose in 2010....now that a lock of the century! I gotta break the rules and post this link so [please comment] please! read the link ....ty

Posted : March 13, 2009 4:02 pm
Posts: 57
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I wonder if POPPY knows that the more he writes and calls people names, just proves he is more ignorant of the real issues facing us then we thought. (if that's possible) 😮 Poppy never answers a question he just spews his talking points dribble. Good luck POPPY, live in your miserable life with a miserable outlook, but once again I'm done for the day, and will be heading to Vegas for the weekend. Let's hear some more of your dribble. No one agrees with you other that the left wing nuts. Remember, you still believe that the government was behind 911. That pretty much says it all to any new people reading your dribble :rolleyes:

Posted : March 13, 2009 4:14 pm
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I didnt say that ... thats not unusual a republican putting words in my mouth . I said u guys will lose in 2010 and i know u are all mad because taxes are going up ....... i never ever said our govt was behind 911 ... i just hope they charge a few with war crimes .....oh boy i cant wait!... u can bet obama will do the right thing .... i love stem celll just love it!.... i love open cuba relations ...... i might go there as soon as we can!.. and yes the stimulus will pass and we are on our way!.... sit back and enjoy .. cause u will have democrats in charge for a long time .... repigs lost all credability!... and obamna for a second term ....... u guys cant out raise my boy!... go obama go

Posted : March 13, 2009 4:41 pm
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if u are heading to vegas , head to the m casino ...its neat ....u will enjoy that .... i just left and now in texas!

Posted : March 13, 2009 4:47 pm
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POP when are you and Queen Nancy going on her jet? ??? Where are you on this subject. Where are you on Hussain and the Dumbs spending 4 times more than Bush ever spent? Address these issues and quit the ususal dribble you spew!!! 😉

Under the Dumbs we are headed for a train wreck.

no train wreck .. queen nancy is in line 2 be president after biden ....bet that would scare u guys ........ahhahahahahahhahahah....i say spend it cause the whole usa is falling apart .....bush for 8 years did nothing for america ......maybe this election we can get rid of a lot of repigs! ....will be interesting in 2010!... spend here rather than iraq and maybe we get health care! gl in vegas!

Posted : March 13, 2009 5:05 pm
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Obama: I'm Working Every Day To Get Credit Flowing

Posted : March 13, 2009 5:06 pm
Posts: 182
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No I didn't get [email protected].

Posted : March 13, 2009 7:28 pm
Posts: 182
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I didnt say that ... thats not unusual a republican putting words in my mouth . I said u guys will lose in 2010 and i know u are all mad because taxes are going up ....... i never ever said our govt was behind 911 ... i just hope they charge a few with war crimes .....oh boy i cant wait!... u can bet obama will do the right thing .... i love stem celll just love it!.... i love open cuba relations ...... i might go there as soon as we can!.. and yes the stimulus will pass and we are on our way!.... sit back and enjoy .. cause u will have democrats in charge for a long time .... repigs lost all credability!... and obamna for a second term ....... u guys cant out raise my boy!... go obama go

Pop...you are "da man"! Dude...your continuous left wing idiocy just convinces me more and more that you're really a Republican, working as a double agent. The dumber you sound and the more over the liberal left edge you fall, the more you're convincing the "undecideds" that the democrats are just a bunch of nut cases (which they are by the way). Keep up the good work!!

Here are some ideas for future nut job rants...how the constitution is not a valid document, how religion is the opiate of the masses, how our founding fathers were just a bunch of drugged up trouble-makers, how family values are overrated, how higher taxes are great for the economy, how terrific unions are for our manufacturing sector, the positive social and economic effects of communism, etc. etc. The world is your oyster and opportunities to expand this lunacy are endless!!

Posted : March 13, 2009 7:34 pm
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