Prosecute Cheney or...
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Prosecute Cheney or Legalize Pot? You Decide.

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Prosecute Cheney or Legalize Pot? You Decide.

On December 15, Vice President Cheney admitted on national TV that he authorized torture, including waterboarding. That shocking confession makes Cheney a war criminal . But apart from Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow, the Corporate Media barely noticed.

Under the Geneva Conventions, the United States must prosecute Dick Cheney for war crimes. So we submitted this question to President-elect Obama at

"Will you appoint a Special Prosecutor - ideally Patrick Fitzgerald - to independently investigate the gravest crimes of the Bush Administration, including torture and warrantless wiretapping?" -Bob Fertik, New York City

At the end of the first round on December 15, our Special Prosecutor question was #6 but Obama's team only answered the first five , including one on the legalization of marijuana.

The second round began on 12/30 and ends at midnight on 12/31. Once again, marijuana legalization is #1. We need your help to make our Special Prosecutor question #1!

1. Sign in at
2. Search for " Fitzgerald "
3. This will display several similar questions, so look carefully for "Bob Fertik"
4. Look right for the checkbox, mouseover it so it goes from white to dark, then click to cast your vote

As Ari Melber writes in The Nation,

With so few journalists directly asking the President-Elect about [torture and war crimes prosecution], it is up to the rest of us to put accountability and the rule of law on the agenda. is a fine place to start.

Discuss this here:

Thanks for all you do!


Urge Eric Holder to Appoint a Special Prosecutor for Bush War Crimes

Last week three important Democrats - Rep. Jerrold Nadler , Sen. Carl Levin , and VP-elect Joe Biden - independently urged the Attorney General to investigate Dick Cheney's torture confession . A growing chorus of newspapers ( NY Times ) and legal scholars ( John Dean , Glenn Greenwald ) agrees.

Prosecution of those responsible for torture is not optional - it is required by our obligations under the Geneva Conventions .

So we've joined forces with buhdydharma and the Docudharma community to petition Obama's AG nominee, Eric Holder, to appoint a Special Prosecutor.

Holder replied after receiving a few hundred emails: " Enough folks. I hear you ." That's a start, but we've asked for a formal statement. And we're collecting additional signatures to deliver when Holder goes before the Senate for confirmation hearings in January.

Please sign and spread the word!

Posted : December 31, 2008 8:44 am
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator


Posted : December 31, 2008 10:04 am