Republicans trying ...
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Republicans trying to put us back in the dark ages.

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But after witnessing the behavior of the Republicans this past year, there is no way I could ever vote for one given their position on major issues. What do they stand for nothing ....a big 0?

Sarah Palin was a fiasco, there are high school teachers who are better qualified to lead than she is. They ran an old man, John McCain, for the top position in the world. He wants to keep us fighting an un called for war in Iraq, and deny women here freedom of choice. Imagine that; fight for the freedom of people who don’t want it, and deny it from those who already have the right to it.

The Republicans don’t want to talk to people who we have problems with. They want to dictate to the world instead of having a dialog. Nobody likes to be dictated to
They were in charge when Wall Street robbed us blind due to lack of oversight, but they still object to the Democratic proposed solutions to the problems they created. Some would rather ignore the bigger problems that affect us all, and spend all of their energy trying to keep gay people from getting married or joining the military.

Has anyone noticed that the world is already over populated? Maybe God will send a plague to reduce the population. Sorry folks, but if you are Republican you can’t get my vote when you are trying to wreck the world and put me back in the dark ages.. They are rethugs and dam them all , we will get our way in the senate.

Posted : February 3, 2009 3:46 pm
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u need your head examined.... if u are a repig ....sorry little boys obama for 8 years and we will get our 60 in the SENATE

Posted : February 3, 2009 3:48 pm
Posts: 245
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Maybe you can pray for your god to send more gays..................this will reduce the population 100% of the time. 😮 Why are you so down all the time? Is your medicine cabinet filled with Prozac? You keep saying how happy you are about the new change ("8 more years") yet you are obsessed about the past. I don't think you have much hope in this new administration, otherwise you would be singing a new tune. Unfortunately your tune is old and worn out. I haven't heard one person jump on your bandwagon yet (Republican or Democrat). How much money did you collect for the other day? What are you trying to move on from? I thought you got what you want. They should change their name to That would be more current 😀

Posted : February 3, 2009 4:52 pm
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u lost the last 2 elections and no doubt the one in 2010

Posted : February 3, 2009 4:58 pm
Posts: 245
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u lost the last 2 elections and no doubt the one in 2010

No.....actually I voted for Bush both times and McCain once. So I didn't lose the last two elections.......just the last one. I didn't realize Obama was up for reelection next year. I thought for sure we would give him more than a year in office. Does he suck that bad? Are we trying something new this time? 😉

Posted : February 3, 2009 5:06 pm
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i forgot u supported sarah

Posted : February 3, 2009 5:08 pm
Posts: 245
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Unfortunately she has A LOT more experience in governing than Obama does. That should say a lot about your man. Plus........she is way hotter than him ;D

Posted : February 3, 2009 5:11 pm
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u make me laugh sit back and enjoy the next 8 years ,,,,rethugs are done

Posted : February 3, 2009 5:20 pm
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

This is a capping forum. This crap should be on As far as I concern, there has not any terrorist attacks on our soil ever since 9-11. Obama has not done shit to deserve any credit for. Good luck finding competent cabinet members that hasn't commit any fraud to rob this country.

Posted : February 3, 2009 8:11 pm
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this is not crap lol..... why dont u go to iraq and stroll around bagdad... be sure to carry the american flag

Posted : February 3, 2009 8:17 pm
Posts: 29
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When has the last time it was safe to stroll around Baghdad wearing American flag? Sure Saddam will invite you in for a Coolaid in Uday's gas chamber.

Posted : February 3, 2009 8:25 pm
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u man mcsame wanted to be there for 100 years ...ok , i dont think so !

Posted : February 3, 2009 8:29 pm