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stock market crash

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kabooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom down over 350

Posted : February 10, 2009 1:24 pm
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Sirius XM Radio Preparing Possible Bankruptcy Filing: NYT (story developing)

Posted : February 10, 2009 5:09 pm
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Wait til Tuseday. Once Chairman Obama signs the pork laden spending bill, the market will plunge to new lows just as it did when Paulson's original plan was passed. Remember how that went? Everyone listened to the media and believed the crap spewing from Paulson, Bernanke, Bush, etc.. The media spun it as a necessity to save the value in American's 401K's. On Friday the plan finally passed and Bush quickly signed it and everyone felt good as the media stroked us into thinking the passage of the plan was good for the country, the market, and the economy. The close that day was 10,325.38 a number that we have not seen since the "help" arrived from our government. The next week saw the Dow plunge from the 10K level down to the 8K level.

Today we sit at 7,850.41 and still some of you idiots don't get it. Government spending money that it doesn't have fixes nothing and only makes our problems worse with the additional debt load piled on top of the crippling level of debt we are already having trouble servicing. Will we again plunge 2K over the coming week? I don't know but I do expect that we will move to new lows this coming week and establish a trading range below where we have been since October. Geithner coming up with a plan that costs taxpayers another trillion dollars will only make the slide than much more pronounced.

But don't listen to me. Listen to the pundits on CNBC that told you Paulson's plan would ignite a rally! You dumbasses never learn.....

Posted : February 14, 2009 11:07 am
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This CHINESE know how to do real Stimulus and Real Improvements of their Economy and Infrastructure.

Bush did IDIOTIC Checks to consumers, which went straight to Oil Arabs and Iranians and Russians for $4/gal. gasoline, and also to China for consumer goods imports. NOthing to help US Economy, just put USA deeper in debt to the Chinese, Oil-Arabs, Japanese...etc.

OBAMA DOES BASICALLY SAME DUMB STIMULUS PLAN... except instead of just checks to consumer, OBAMA provides $$$ to States so they can keep giving outlandishly large Pensions to Government Employees, now that stock market returns and Private Equity Returns are down on their State Pension Funds.

Posted : February 14, 2009 11:13 am