The Fed is STILL WO...
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The Fed is STILL WORTHLESS and corrupt!

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The FED destroying US dollar purchasing power since 1913! Took all Americans gold and silver AWAY and replaced it with WORTHLESS PAPER backed only by PROMISES of idiot inept liar politicians and MEGATRILLIONS in debt!

You have to work 5 months a year to PAY for all the debt the Fed has put America IN BONDAGE for!!! The IRS and the "Fed" were created at the same time! Coicidence? NOT! Think about that next time you ponder if central banks that destroy your purchasing power and put the whole country in debt bondage is good or bad!

Thank you Fed for destroying free market capitalism with your manipulation of interest rates and money supply. I trust you will be there to buy up all the good assets for Pesos on the Dollar in a couple years when the market implodes (with money you create out of thin air for you and the cronies of course!) Maybe you will even have the TAXPAYERS pay for it! Nothing like fleecing the Gentiles and the unwashed masses!

BTW, the "Fed" is UNCONSTITIONAL (as is an income tax on labor!). The Constitution specifies ONLY SILVER AND GOLD SHALL BE MONEY. That is why there was NEVER a prolonged inflationary problem until last century! That is why the U.S. grew to be the economic powerhouse it once was.

Now we are just a bunch of Ziopawns for our Zionist One World Govt neoCommie central bank masters. They create all the wars too. What better way to create debt than to finance wars - and then reap the spoils afterward! You think there is a REASON Obama is APPROVING of the expansion of the War of (T)Error??? Cause his massas at the Fed (Rothchilds and Rockefellers and such) WANT IT THAT WAY. That's right people. The Chimp was their puppet .

Posted : February 4, 2009 6:53 am