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On Thursday, Feb. 26, 2009, the Human Resources Director for Sauer-Danfoss, confirmed that another 50 of our neighbors in Freeport will be joining the ranks of the unemployed, that 50 of their employees are to be laid-off.

This is after the company recently announced 100 layoffs at its facility in Ames, Iowa, and also announced layoffs at their facilities in Minnesota, Kansas, and South Carolina.

Sauer-Danfoss makes hydraulic, electric, electronic systems, and other components for off-highway vehicle manufacturers, and they have 26 engineering and manufacturing facilities located around the globe, including a factory in Shanghai, China.

There are no plans for the plant in Red China to close down, or any plans for the laying off any Chinese employees.

Free people can NOT compete in the global marketplace against foreign wage slaves who do NOT have the liberty to better themselves - it will ALWAYS be more profitable for an employer to use foreign sweat shop labor than pay a free man an honest day's wage for an honest day's work.

Yet, the only solution we hear from the right is to cut taxes, allowing more of our domestic employers the very capital they need to move their operations off-shore, while additionally undermining our government's ability to stay out of debt.


It simply does NOT work, in a global economy.

In a global economy, the so-called 'trickle-down' drips down upon the heads of the lowest wage earners, and those people DO NOT LIVE IN AMERICA. Since we produce NOTHING, here in America, that those low wage earners consume, the money goes overseas NEVER TO RETURN, hence our massive trade deficit with the rest of the world.

The oft repeated mantra from the right, 'FREE TRADE,' must be replaced with the more responsible call for, 'FAIR TRADE.'

Fair Trade is simply the idea that we, as Americans, will not allow our dollars to subsidize despots and dictators.

While as individuals, anyone can make the personal decision not to purchase foreign goods produced by force, coercion, and any number of other indignities, we ALSO have the capability to make this a national policy, enforceable through our country's trade treaties.

If we are the moral, civilized, people that we claim to be, our trade policies MUST reflect this: dealing with despots and dictators is beneath the dignity of the American people, and, Constitutionally, we have the right to tell American importers, 'ENOUGH!'

When the profit motive for using oppressed people as a source of labor has been removed as an incentive for American employers to get ahead, we WILL see those American jobs return to our shores - we WILL see our foreign trade partners grant their populations the rights God gave them, and instead of listening to the meaningless or hypocritical words spoken by some generic politician standing at some podium making empty declarations about how America is a guide for the globe, we WILL see the light of our Lady Liberty once again shine as a beacon for all the world to see.

Posted : February 27, 2009 12:39 pm
Posts: 57
Trusted Member

Hey POPPY, Socialism does not work....Capitalism does work. If you don't like Capitalism and you prefer Socialism move to France. :-

Posted : February 27, 2009 1:07 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

no i am not moving... we had 8 years of bs ..... you better move cause u are gonna see a change u dont likeand i love it!

Posted : February 27, 2009 3:23 pm