u had your chance ....
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u had your chance ....we the people are very tired... seen enough ....gl

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Dear Republicans,

It has been really interesting to watch these past few months as your party is suddenly very concerned about bi-partisanship. After eight long years of listening to you scream at us with your “you are either with us or you are with the terrorists” rhetoric you suddenly are acting as if you want to play nicely with us. You complain that Obama is not willing to reach across the aisle to you because the fact that he just gave you one of the largest tax cuts in American history is just not enough as far as you are concerned. You want more, and you stomp your feet insisting that we aren’t willing to listen to your ideas and give you what you want.

Well here is the problem, we have listened to your ideas for the past eight years. Not only have we listened to your ideas, but we have had to endure the consequences of your ideas. You told us that tax cuts for the rich and doing away with regulations on corporations would spur economic growth, but instead of spurring that growth you insisted was going to happen your policies lead us to the brink of another Great Depression.

Of course you will all insist that you are not responsible for George Bush’s actions, the fact that you cheered everything he did and questioned the patriotism of all his critics is suddenly supposed to be irrelevant. We are supposed to ignore the fact that virtually every Republican member of Congress voted the way George Bush wanted them to vote over 90% of the time and pretend that you were always as critical of Bush as you are now that the public has figured out what your policies have done to this nation. That is right, your policies. George Bush would have never made it to the oval office if it had not been for your enthusiastic support for him and the agenda he wanted to push forward, his policies would have never been implemented had you not cheered them on and therefore his policies are your policies and you can not escape that simple fact.

Don’t tell us about the “new faces of the GOP” because there is nothing new about what you are offering us. Your solution is tax cuts for the rich despite the fact that your previous tax cuts for the rich not only failed to stimulate the economy, but instead brought this nation further in to debt and placed it on the edge of economic collapse. This failed “solution” is the only solution you are offering, and yet you scream at us about bipartisanship because we don’t want to see your idea fail yet another time.

Whether it is the economy, health care, national security, or any of the other issues facing our nation the Bush policies that you have enthusiastically supported have all proven to be failures. Despite your so-called “war on terrorism” there is more violence in this world than at any other time in decades. The Middle East is in flames, and the only thing you have to say is “well there hasn’t been a terrorist attack since 9/11”. Of course there have been a few terrorist attacks since 9/11, but you don’t like to count abortion clinic bombings so you just conveniently ignore them. Now you will say that you are referring to international terrorism and you will brag about how Bush got through his past seven years without seeing yet another terrorist attack, but you will ignore the fact that terrorist attacks were not exactly common before Bush took office. When the best argument you can come up with is “Hey we may have seen the biggest terrorist attack in our nation’s history under our watch, but at least we didn’t get hit after that” then it is a sign that you really do know that your party did not accomplish anything of value during the past eight years you were in power.

But now you insist we should listen to your ideas. Well I have listened to your ideas, we have all listened to your ideas and we have all seen the consequences of those ideas. We have all seen our friends and family have to go through foreclosure, we have all seen people we know being sent off to war, we have all being worrying about whether our jobs will be part of the next set of layoffs because your party put Wall Street investors above ordinary citizens. We know what your ideas have done, and we are not going to seriously consider adopting your ideas ever again. You had your chance and you blew it, your ideas got us into this mess and there is no way in hell that we are going to use your ideas to get us out.


Posted : February 28, 2009 10:26 am
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New Member Guest

This is some sort of sick nightmare we are living in. LOL, I keep hoping I wake up and it was all just a bad dream...poor America, She is being beaten and raped.....Please think of something quick that may save her....

Posted : February 28, 2009 11:17 am
Posts: 245
Reputable Member

And now it's BUBBA's turn. The rapings have only begun :'(

Posted : February 28, 2009 11:28 am
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remember u had 8 years of bs

Posted : February 28, 2009 12:02 pm
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enjoy ...its change!

Posted : February 28, 2009 12:03 pm
Posts: 182
Estimable Member

Ya know Pop?...I agree with you. The republicans are getting what we deserve. We had our chance with the congress and the presidency and we screwed it up. We had a chance to bury the democrats, but instead, ended up giving them new life. Should have put them out of their misery years ago. Our so-called conservative leadership is a bunch of spineless aholes...afraid of making somebody mad. The few, and believe me very few, true conservatives that have any backbone at all are alienated by their own party. McCain may have been a hero but far from conservative. The public didn't really have a clear cut choice. The race thing made the difference and more f'ing power to you for getting the ethnic vote out.

I'm disgusted with the whole shootin' match. We have no leadership in Washington...either party. Everybody is kowtowing to the special interest groups and padding their own pockets. Do you think they give a rat's ass about us? Any of them? You're a fool if you do.

Something is coming. I can feel it. And it's going to be a combination of people from both parties. The level of disdain for these politicians is going to reach a fever pitch where we literally "are not going to take it anymore." I have no idea what it will look like, but it's coming...and I hope to be among the leaders of the charge.

Bush kept us safe, and as much as I wanted to like him, his public speaking ability, or lack thereof, buried him. He came across as stupid. I know he wasn't, but perception to a lot of people is reality. You'd think his PR people would have at least taught him how to say "nuclear". Bush 1 was no better. Clinton was a disaster who just wanted pussy. And now this idiot. Wait until all the people expecting Barack to start sending them checks and taking away all their worries don't get anything. You talk about pissed. They'll sit back and say the "brother" did 'em wrong.

It's coming man. And I, for one, welcome it.

Posted : February 28, 2009 12:22 pm
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New Member Guest

just watch the stock market ...nobody spending , nobody making money ......wont be long .....more and more banks closing ... if i won powerball i wouldnt put 1 penny in this stock market!

Posted : February 28, 2009 1:01 pm
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Buffett Says U.S. Economy Will Be `Shambles' in 2009, Likely `Well Beyond'

Posted : February 28, 2009 1:26 pm
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Inside Iraq: US construction fraud - How did $125billion evaporate so fast?
link removed

Posted : February 28, 2009 3:42 pm