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wacko republicans

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Here they come, folks...our flagwaving GOP 'Christian' soldiers, back from spending their requisite 1.49 hours per week pretending to worship the teachings of long-haired antiwar liberal Jesus Christ, who said Thou Shalt Not Lie, Steal or Kill...things Republicans do every day.

Yes, our pious and righteous Hannity Heroes have begged forgiveness for their many sins, grudgingly ponied up their 10% tithes, and received absolution. Now, after stuffing their faces at Crackerbarrel and Denny's, they'll go back to their normal daily routines of spreading rightwing hate and lies on internet message boards, pounding the table for war while refusing to enlist, and getting some wholesome Gay Old Party family values "counseling" from Jeff Gannon, Ted Haggard, Mark Foley, and toe-tapping Larry Craig.

Enjoy hell, Republicans.

Posted : September 21, 2008 9:13 pm