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wake up america

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Neither Comservatives, nor Republicans, are in any position to make any demands on the new Administration.

Last time I checked, republicans lost the last 2 elections. remember tom delay

If right-wing partisan hacks want to have any influence, of any kind, on this current Administration, they are going to have to set aside their childish things - to include their bigotry, and their silly notions about 'employers' setting bars, as concerns are economy.

America is NOT at war with Islam (while we are at war with extremists who happen to be Muslim), and workers get to have their say in economic matters.

Posted : January 27, 2009 11:50 am
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New Member Guest

i dont need a life .... i got an i phone ....24/7

Posted : January 27, 2009 11:50 am
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New Member Guest

Victory as you define it fairly simple to achieve: we simply kill everyone in Iraq and Afganistan and then we're done and done. The only problem with such a victory, however, is that it transforms us into people no different from who we perceive as our enemies. A lot of us think America is better than that. Iraq was an incredibly stupid move by an incredibly stupid crowd surrounding an incredibly stupid president whose departure from office has done more to make the world a better place than hanging a two bit dictator who was no better or worse than any number of other two bit dictators that Cowboy George was perfectly happy to leave in place and even prop up.

Posted : January 27, 2009 11:52 am
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New Member Guest

Saddam is dead... and has been dead for several years.

And we still support the evil regimes of Red China, and Saudi Arabia.

What's the next stupid reason to stay in Iraq, besides US imperialism, my conservative friends?

Remember their favorite word ..."iraq".

Posted : January 27, 2009 11:55 am
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New Member Guest

A former executive of American International Group has been sentenced to four years in prison in a fraud case that authorities say cost shareholders more than $500 million.

Posted : January 27, 2009 2:13 pm