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wake up guys

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Scumbags and idiots fill the house and senate. The two parties care more about political football than running the country. The Republicans care more about bringing Obama down than our future. And the Democrats have been at the back of the swill line for years and feel like they have earned their turn to guzzle pork fat. Obama represents real change, but he has inherited a huge sewer plant and has to hit the ground running. One thing about this board - the voices against Obama are definitely coming from the lowest walks of life. I hear a lot of impotent broken old men who would rather root for their rotten Republican team than face the waste and misery of their own failed lives. No matter what they argue, the way they do it makes Obama look great. They had 8 years of the liar ...everyone knows it....worse president in history!

Posted : February 14, 2009 7:50 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

My reaction is that the people in the government are totally out of control. A poker player would say the government is “on tilt,” placing wild, desperate bets in the hope of getting rescued by good luck.

The things they’re doing are not only unproductive, they’re the exact opposite of what should be done. The country got into this mess by living beyond its means for more than a generation. That’s the message from the debt that’s burdening so many individuals; debt is proof that you’re living above your means. The solution is for people to significantly reduce their standard of living for a while and start building capital. That’s what saving is about, producing more than you consume. The government creating funny money – money out of nothing – doesn’t fix anything. All it does is prolong the problem and make it worse by destroying the currency.

Over several generations, huge distortions and misallocations of capital have been cranked into the economy, inviting levels of consumption that are unsustainable. In fact, Americans refer to themselves as consumers. That’s degrading and ridiculous. You should be first and foremost a producer, and a consumer only as a consequence.

In any event, the government is going to destroy the currency, which will be a mega-disaster. And they’re making the depression worse by holding interest rates at artificially low levels, which discourages savings – the exact opposite of what’s needed. They’re trying to prop up a bankrupt system. And, at this point, it’s not just economically bankrupt, but morally and intellectually bankrupt. What they should be doing is recognize that they’re bankrupt and then start rebuilding. But they’re not, so it’s going to be a disaster

Posted : February 14, 2009 8:25 pm