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We are paying for the $2 trillion wasted in Iraq.

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$2 trillion dollar evaporated from investor wealth is equivalent to $2 trillion wasted in Iraq. American people must find the crooks who sent our troops to that hell named Iraq while their corrupt buddies stole billions from our best corporations.

Posted : November 15, 2008 6:34 pm
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If I had my way, Bush would be going back to Texas in January, but not to Crawford, instead to Huntsville Prison. I would pick Guantanimo, but that will be shut down soon.
I think Cheney and Rumsfeld should have cells right next to Dumbya's so they can talk about what a mistake they made trying to pull the wool over our eyes. So much money wasted in Iraq......where's the return on our monetary investment. Then there's the lives of the Americans lost there that can never be repaid.
On top of all this I saw a video of Sarah Palin being heckled on the campaign trail. She responded "God bless you sir, my son is fighting in Iraq for your right to protest". Is she truly out of her mind? No American is fighting in Iraq for our rights as U.S. citizens; why they're there fighting in the first place has always vexed me.

Posted : November 16, 2008 5:28 am
Posts: 7
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You sir are scum

Posted : November 16, 2008 9:03 am
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

i guess u liked the last 8 years ......2 each his own

Posted : November 16, 2008 9:36 am