Well, what in the h...
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Well, what in the hell kind of Presidential Address was that?

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Well, what in the hell kind of Presidential Address was that?
No mention of switchgrass.

No warnings about the imminent threat of human/animal hybrids.

No mission to Mars.

Nothing about how to put food on your family.

No answer to whether our children is learning.

No assurances about how a free and democratic Iraq will be a beacon in the Middle East.

No reminder of how incredibly safe we are now that Saddam is gone.

Not a word about how Ahmadwhatisname is the most fearsome madman the nation has ever faced.

No reminder that the government never stops thinking about ways to make us less safe.

Not a hint of strategery about how we're going to triumph over radical Islamaniacs who hate us for our freedoms.

No indication that Freedom Fries will once again adorn the menu at the Capitol Hill noshery.

Not a thing about how we have to watch what we say and support the Commander in Chief in time of war.

No reassurances about bringing dignity and honor back to the White House.

No indication of willingness on the part of the First Lady to adorn herself in bordello drapes.

Not a single smirk.

Nary a "heh-heh."

Well, damn.

This is not the change I voted for.

Oh, wait. Yes, it is.


Posted : February 25, 2009 3:42 pm
Posts: 182
Estimable Member

Is our children learning?

Posted : February 25, 2009 4:59 pm
Posts: 57
Trusted Member

Good catch JB By the way the Dumbs were popping up and down all night and looking like puppets. Have you had enough of Nancy P. yet

POP got the change he wanted....the US going into the shitter!!!!!

Posted : February 25, 2009 5:57 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

i agree but the repigs put us there

Posted : February 25, 2009 6:58 pm