yea baby yea
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yea baby yea ....repigs repukes rethugs , nazais , faciast = RETARDS

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what is wrong with repiglicans ...lost the last 2 elections ..........lock up all the liars ............they are no good! C ant believe a liar or anyone they stand behind!

Posted : February 10, 2009 3:49 pm
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they are all gone nothing good to talk about

Posted : February 12, 2009 10:15 pm
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another bad week in the stock market

Posted : March 3, 2009 10:25 am
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xcuse the rant, i just got to thinking...

the Dow has never helped the middle class get healthcare... instead the continous drive for "profit" created death by spreadsheet.

the Dow didn't give me or you or my mom a raise... instead the continious drive for "profit" capped the income of the working class

the Dow didn't create my job... instead it caused my neighbor to lose his job as it was shipped to India in the seek of "profit"

the Dow won't save my job... instead it may kill it... so today, as it drops, I say FUCK the dow because finally the greedy bastards on Wall Street are feeling the heat that we've been living in for decades.

more at:

Posted : March 3, 2009 10:28 am
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The far Right will spin this whole prosecution into a witch hunt perpetrated by the evil Liberals in their attempt to take over the country completely by attacking the Republican party. Bush is seen as a hero by 25% of Americans. Those 25% of Americans listen to Rush. These people are armed and some heavily. Some of them are mentally unstable and delusional. Hate crimes against minorities and gays will skyrocket. Are we prepared for this? Neighbor turning against neighbor? Domestic terrorism? All levels of government within our borders will be a target by these crazy people. I think this is why Obama wants to move forward and not look back because he knows how dangerous opening up the "Bush" can of worms will be. He's trying his best to bring us all together. But going after Bush and Company will ultimately tear this country apart permanently.... so be it

Posted : March 3, 2009 4:22 pm
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Stocks Extend Losses; S&P Closes Below 700 for the First Time Since 1996- AP

Posted : March 3, 2009 4:52 pm
Posts: 245
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It's pretty comical how you evil labials can spew whatever kind of venom you want at Bush when he is in office, and out of office, but the minute anyone criticizes your man it is racist and fostered by hate. I can only assume that all this Bush bashing and special prosecution is an attempt to take the focus off of what most Americans are and will continue to worry about.........the economy. The fact of the matter is that most "educated" people see his plan as something that will inevitibly push our economy into a depression and his unprecedented spending is something that our grandchildren will be paying for years to come. Obama has just proposed the largest spending bill in the history of our nation. In fact, his budget will cost more than all previous budgets (combined), dating back to our Constitution. My question to you is.........if we are so broke, how can you continue to spend what you don't have? I have asked you this question before and you love to avoid it. You will always point to Iraq. That's an excuse to make more ignorant people dependent on the government. By the way, if Bush is seen as a hero by 25% of Americans and Obama's approval rating has gone from the 70's at inauguration and is now in the 50s, he may very well be a hero to .00000000000000000001% of the American people by the time he is done. That .0000000000000000000001% happens to be labials like yourself!

Posted : March 3, 2009 5:26 pm
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u got to wake up ans smell the fresh air

Posted : March 3, 2009 6:22 pm
Posts: 182
Estimable Member

Feeling lots of animosity here Pop. You need to be more like B.O. and be a uniter. (Oh, and let me know how that works for him.)

Posted : March 4, 2009 6:41 am