yea franklin yea .....
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yea franklin yea .....we got our 60 ....teach them

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We've turned it around on former Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman. Norm's insistence on being a sore loser has now raised over $100,000 to help progressives defeat Republicans in 2010.

That's right, Senator-Elect Al Franken won the election last November. Every time Norm Coleman has demanded new vote counts or challenged "suspected" ballots -- the margin of victory for Al has just increased. But DC Republicans are still encouraging Norm to drag this election out for as long as possible. It's worth it to block another Democratic Senator's vote in support of President Obama.

Except, thanks to you, it isn't as worth it for the Republicans anymore.

We're changing the game on DC Republicans and raising a dollar a day to make Norm go away. We've already raised over $100k to support electing progressive Democrats against the very same DC Republicans who are pushing Norm to keep crying -- I mean fighting.

But it's not enough to push Norm out yet. So, we've set the goal higher to amp up the pressure again. Can you help us get to $200,000 by the end of the month?


All donations go directly to our campaign partner, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee - the new group formed to help bold progressive candidates run effective campaigns and win.

Last weekend, we made sure Norm got the message. Gail, a local DFA member in Minnesota, confronted Norm with a giant check made out from him to progressives. You can watch the video of the encounter at the link and yes, he signs the check.

That's not all. Our campaign is making big waves, getting covered by the New York Times, NBC, ABC, MSNBC's Hardball, Politico, Huffington Post, Minneapolis Star-Tribune, and countless political blogs.

However, great press and a funny video aren't enough. We need Al Franken in the Senate now. When it comes time for the Senate to vote for real healthcare reform, we're going to need Al's vote - and Republicans know it.

Let's make sure Senator-Elect Franken gets seated in time to vote for a public healthcare option. Whether you contribute a dollar a day or a one time gift, it's time to teach DC Republicans a lesson in the only language they understand.

Posted : May 23, 2009 11:15 am
Posts: 396
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sit back enjoy

Posted : May 23, 2009 11:15 am