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2003 SUCKS!

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Posts: 594
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Thanks to this friggin' flu, I have spent more time in the bathroom than in front of the TV so far this year...and the time I am spending watching the games I have been seeing horrible looking scores.

The two football teams I played today have been outscored 68-7 so far...and these are PLAYOFF teams?

Lost 3 basketball games in OT today that were winning late in regulation...

ARRRGGGHHHH!!!! Bring back 2002!!!!

Ok...thanks for letting me vent. The only good thing is that 2003 can only get better...right?

Posted : January 5, 2003 12:13 am
Posts: 1831
Famed Member

With your record of picking winners I wouldn't be too concerned.I will lose a little cash today as well. As least it looks like my 2 football picks are winners.1-5 so far in hoops today with 2 games pending .UGH.Lots of close calls but still losers. Really liked a few games today that I didn't play and of course they were easy winners.(Wich St and Harvard.)

Posted : January 5, 2003 12:33 am
Posts: 594
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The past 2 months have been very nice, but these past few days have been awful. One nice surprise was seeing that Washington won by 3. The final I saw earlier said 105-104. So, it's already looking up.

Posted : January 5, 2003 12:39 am
Posts: 1831
Famed Member

Orlando missed 2 layups with time running out that would have pushed the game.......Atl Hawks also a tough one....see ya on Sunday

Posted : January 5, 2003 12:45 am
Posts: 7610
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Sorry bout the sh*ts. Seems like everyone from you to RBI to my parents got that mess. Somehow I missed out and I am usually first to get everything and last to get rid of it.

These two games today though were fu*king bizarre though. Green Bay was a shocker. I half expected Indy to choke but not that bad. But GB, what the f*ck. Now I don't know where my thoughts are at with the ramaining games. 2003 is ok for me, but betting in 2003 does suck!


Posted : January 5, 2003 1:19 am