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8-2 now in 5*and 4* bets (1-1in 10*bets)>

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toal card for day::

boston 10* (L)

mets (W)
cards (W)
marlins 4* (W)
lakers -5.5 1sthalf 4* (W)
U-d-backs 4* (L)
braves 3* (W)
orioles 3* (W)
pirates 3* (L)
U-orioles 3* (L)

6-3 for the day


Posted : April 12, 2002 3:02 am
Posts: 145
Estimable Member

Come on in Baseball you were -12 units for the day, don't know why you were smiling

Posted : April 12, 2002 3:32 am
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

hoss i see you can't count.if you can add i am -6 units not 12 and you did not add the 1st 2 bets i i am even for the day not down...don't be mad at me because you are down money.i am here to help not to hear shit from you,or anyone else.if you don't like my plays don't take them.but learn how to count before you rag on me....


Posted : April 12, 2002 3:47 am
Posts: 145
Estimable Member

You do the math, using oopie's lines

Since you are SOOO good I put $100 on each of your stars. Did not play the early games as you did not post them.

Boston bet $1000, ln -185, loser -1850
Marlins bet $400 , ln -130, winner +400
Az ov bet $400, line -110, loser -440
Balt, bet $300, line -125, winner +300
Braves, bet $300, line -145, win +300
Pirates, bet $300, line -145, loser -435
Balt un, bet $300, line -110, loser -330

Total= -1850+400-440+300+300-435-330


So this is a good day. I enjoy looking at your picks and writeups, just get tired of all your smack after you had a bad day.

Posted : April 12, 2002 4:10 am
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

hey hoss look at my 5 and 4 star bets this week i am 8 and 2.don't be mad at me cause you lost a bundle on the red sox.if you don't like my picks don't take them,but i do not see you posting any bets.i lose my 1st big bet of the year and you are crying. if i won the red sox game you would be blowing me right now.........enough said.........


Posted : April 12, 2002 4:22 am
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

hoss you for got::

mets would of been 3*
cards would of been 4*
lakers -5.5 in 1st half 4*

but i do not need to answer to you,so go jump on falcons bets.oh he did'nt do so well last nite!!!!!


Posted : April 12, 2002 4:43 am
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

Take it easy kids!


Posted : April 12, 2002 10:40 am
Posts: 145
Estimable Member

Like I said before I am not mad or crying just tired of your smack even when you lose.

Posted : April 12, 2002 12:04 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

Hey! Here I am....

Let's relax kids. Don't want this to be a bash/hate fest. This is a good board and I want it to stay that way. We all know we can't win every night but we don't want to necessarily hear that we can't.

Let's just take it down a notch and relax. I want everyone to get good info and have a good time. Since these are yesterdays play and I don't want this to continue I am locking this thread so everyone can go back to their corners and re-group.


Posted : April 12, 2002 4:19 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

hoss you don't mind my smack when i win,but win i lose 1 big bet you really should not bet cause you obviously can handle i said before if i won the bosox game you would be blowing me..

stop crying and lose like a is obvious when i lose i am still in a cheery mood.cause i know how to take a loss.

now end this rediculous conversation and lets win some money....

boxer (always happy)

Posted : April 13, 2002 1:21 am