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Anyone Even Missing Hockey?

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They were talking about the lockout on the radio this morning and people around here don't even seem to care. And seeing as that we are home to the Wings that is a big problem for the NHL if their biggest market could give two sh*ts. Oh-Oh

Anyone here fiending for the pucks?


Posted : November 4, 2004 8:08 am
Posts: 314
Reputable Member

Man I'm missing hockey big time but I'm Canadian and by the way I think Toronto is the biggest NHL market. Thats dissapointing that in Detroit a big hockey city that theres no talk at all. Up here in Canada there a good bit of talk about just about everyday and the sports channels are even showing classic games instead of new ones.

Posted : November 4, 2004 11:04 am
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I do imagine it is discussed a ton more up north. It must be pretty devastating for Canada actually seeing as it's the national past time and all. I just can't see the NHL or the ownership of all these teams willing to lose out on a whole seasons revenue just to prove a point.

It's been well documented over the past years that many teams aren't profitable but you aren't going to become profitable paying rent on arenas that have empty seats in them.


Posted : November 4, 2004 11:39 am
Posts: 368
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As a fan, I do not miss the regular season at all. BOR-ING! They spend months knocking each other silly to only trim half the teams. When the playoffs start, then it's fun.

As a bettor, I miss it immensely!

Posted : November 4, 2004 11:47 am
Posts: 314
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It does suck up here imagine if the NFL went on strike its worse than that.For a lot of teams it will be cheaper just to pay the rent and what not than paying the players. Its not to prove a point its to save the leauge out of the 30 teams half of them or more cant afford for things to keep going the way they're going.

Posted : November 4, 2004 4:06 pm
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I just wonder what will be the affect long term if the season is completely lost. What will happen next year? Is that season in jeopardy also? Is the whole league shot?

Seems ridiculous when cops and the military are out there doing something that really matters and these rich ass entertainers cripple a whole industry because they want more MILLIONS to go with their exisiting MILLIONS. Give me a break

I feel bad for the venue and team employees that may not be able to sustain this because they depend on that income. Pretty sweet these f*cking clowns will hold out for more money while the people that allow them to make that much lose their jobs and their incomes because of their greed. Sickening when you really break it all down.


Posted : November 4, 2004 6:30 pm
Posts: 314
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Don Cherry said if theres no deal this year they wont come back till half way through next year, so they can have a short reg season and then the playoffs. I think there will be a deal after christmas or I hope so anyway. There seems to be a good few of the lower paid players comming out against the PA lately so mabe something can get done. But if the season is out for a seaon and a half or even a full season I dont think all the teams in the southern states will make it and that means players will lose jobs so they should think about it.

That pisses me off to the NHL players dont seem to care about everyone else that make a living from hockey, what about the people who sell the pop corn or clean the floors or any other shitty job they're not doing it for fun they're trying to make a living and then you got the poor handicappers like myself hockeys always been my biggest money maker. Then you got all the million NHL players playing in the minors or over in europe for next to nothing, dont they relize that they're taking away someone elses job that might actually need the money.

Posted : November 4, 2004 7:05 pm
Posts: 368
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It is truly insane. They should be banned from playing ever again in the NHL if they take a job elsewhere (Europe, minor leagues, etc.)

Posted : November 4, 2004 9:58 pm
Posts: 453
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I am a lost puppy......NO GRAND SALAMI WAGERS. These mothers better start talking. They are shooting themselves in the foot. I can see if the sport was as big as NFL or NBA. It is puck for christ sake. A lot of fans will be lost forever. This sport was on the rise and now it has been set back to pre Gretzky years. SAD....just SAD. Enough ranting.....but I am very emotional about this topic.

Posted : November 5, 2004 12:22 am
Posts: 3037
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Just so you know the players are also collecting unemployment freind works at the unemployment office all they have been doing is hockey players from newyork.

Posted : November 5, 2004 6:27 am
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It's truly a shame. The league minimum is hundreds of thousands of dollars and the higest paid players make multiple millions and they have the nerve to take unemployment? That's enough to make me stop watching this sh*t right now. Truly sickening.

I just can't believe that in this world there are millionaires that aren't happy getting millions, they always want more. Ticket agents, ushers, facility workers etc are the ones that are all suffering and all for a portion of what these big babies get.

All they are hurting is themselves though, if they lose the fans you can say bye bye to hockey. They better smarten up before it's too late.


Posted : November 5, 2004 10:18 am
Posts: 453
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Hockey has a nice history too. Shame to see a great tradition like the Stanley not get hoisted this year. FCUKers.

Posted : November 5, 2004 9:20 pm