Clear all Is Going To Costa Rica

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That's right! June 9th-13th I will be reporting to you all live from sunny Costa Rica.

In order to bring you the best site and industry information I possibly can, I decided that it was time to make my way down there. The purpose of my visit is multi-dimensional.

First I want to devlop a personal relationship with those that sponsor our great site and that you as visitors trust with your betting money. Being able to see what kind of operation these folks have and getting to know them on a personal level will better help me to educate you guys to the world of gambing online.

Secondly I want to promote the site and all that we have done on rather limited resources. The more people that know about us, the more that will want to sponsor us and the more I can do/bring to all of you.

Finally, I need to get the f*ck out of here for a few days to just relax. Aside from my 2-day junket last year to Vegas to sign us up for the Hilton I have been at my computer for going on 2 straight years. I need a break albeit if it is just a small one.

I will for sure be meeting with Dalton from MVP/V-Wager, Mike from Gamblers Ave and Cole Turner of BoDog. Other things I am trying to work out is a meeting with Neteller and some other Sports Books.

If you have anything in particular you would like to know drop me a line. I will probably be doing an informal interview with Dalton so if there are any questions you would like me to pose to him just let me know. I also will be making a page for my visit and updating it daily with photos and tales of my travels.


Posted : May 17, 2003 11:52 am
Posts: 318493
Illustrious Member

Can I go too?

Posted : May 18, 2003 12:27 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator
Topic starter

Sure can Blade! I doubt there would be any takers to meet there but I already mentioned to Hook trying to get something together for end of July early August in Vegas. Anyone interested in that let me know. If we get enough people maybe I can snag a block of rooms and get us all a good deal.


Posted : May 18, 2003 1:14 pm
Posts: 4159
Illustrious Member

Have a great trip boss. I will do everything I can to work the Vegas trip into my schedule!

Posted : May 18, 2003 5:28 pm