Lets play some poker this week boys. I know Vick is down. $33/9 man game at PS? What do you guys think?
I'm there. Just make sure it's not between 10:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, I have to work the bar. Otherwise I'm ready!
I was thinking one night during this week maybe if that works for everyone. I play daily anyway so anytime is good 4 me
That's good for me. I get home from work around 5:15 p.m. CST, so anytime after that!
Don't wanna leave anyone out. Anyone else besides us 4 play hold em? Everyone is welcome too 🙂
I should be ok for any night other than Thursday and Friday of this week. Shuffle up and deal.
How bout tonight BL? That work for U Vick?
Salami where u at? BL where's your boy?
Yep, that works for me. Like I said I get home about 5:15 p.m. I'll get online as soon as I get home and see how it's going.
Sorry Michael and VickieD, I didn't see the email until now. I'll check more often. Try again.
Me and Vick both got gaffled last night.
Tonight I can get down on one if it's before like 8 eastern.
WHERE IS SALAMI? Do we need to get him on a milk carton?
I have told Salami to contact you so expect a message.
I'm here. Been crazy lately. Doing a bunch of crap to the house. I would be up for a game. I am on poker stars and UB. Put up some dates and times and lets shuffle up and deal.
Me too, me too! I didn't get home until late last night, but I should be home on time tonight. Just let me know. Either put a post on the forum, or if you guys know my aol screen name just shoot me an IM.
Like I said, I will and usually do play every night on PS. Since you guys are both west coast let me know what works for you. I generally play around 530 or so and then if I feel like it again around 7-8.
Times are eastern.
Okay, 5:30 eastern is too early for me as that is 4:30 CST, but if you can exercise a little patience (I know you have very little of that these days) , but if you could, we can play just one short hour after that at 6:30 EST or 5:30 CST.