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By Thomas Jensen has learned that Bodog and the Morris Mohawk Gaming Group will announce today the finalization of a domain licensing agreement and the resurrection of the world-renowned Bodog.

Checkout's exclusive interview with Founder Calvin Ayre, his first interview since announcing his retirement.

The MMGG acquired many valuable domains – including Bodog - when it recently settled a patent case that had been ongoing in the United States. When asked why the MMGG stepped in, Mr. Alwyn Morris, Chief Executive for the Morris Mohawk Gaming Group noted “While the MMGG was not the judgment debtor, the defendant supplier hadn’t been operational since 2007 and there was therefore simply no possibility of their satisfying the default judgment. We are the exclusive licensee of the ‘Bodog’ brand within the region and so our business was impacted by anything that cast a shadow across the brand. We wanted to remove any residual uncertainty that this case had created, and we wanted to acquire the domains - it was a straightforward business decision.”

“We are absolutely thrilled to be able to return the Bodog experience to its rightful home – the reaction of staff and key suppliers has been thunderous,” says Mr. Morris. “We will be transitioning the MMGG site to this domain over the coming weeks. Moreover, we have only just this morning inked a deal with Bodog Antigua, from whom we license the Bodog brand. Under this contract, outside of our brand license territory, the domain will be redirected to the other brand licensees’ sites, as appropriate. One domain, worldwide.”

Keith McDonnell, Managing Director of Bodog Europe noted “As the ‘Bodog’ brand licensee for Europe, we are ecstatic to see the return of Working with the MMGG and the other licensees, geo-targeting will be used to ensure visitors outside of the MMGG’s territory are directed to the correct site, including ours This way, the marketing efforts of every licensee to promote benefit us all, ultimately reinforcing and strengthening the global brand. It will absolutely be a win-win-win solution.”

Mr. Morris added “The MMGG and the other Bodog licensees are experiencing tremendous momentum right now, and we are confident that this will only add fuel to the remarkable growth and expansion of the businesses. The brand is stronger than ever and a new day is dawning – everyone feels it.”

Posted : April 21, 2009 9:01 am
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

Still redirecting to but that will change soon!

Good for them

Posted : April 21, 2009 9:02 am
Posts: 318493
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

Still redirecting to but that will change soon!

Good for them

Usually take 48 hours or so but should be back to normal soon.

Posted : April 21, 2009 9:08 am