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Boxer, His Picks and The Threads About All This...

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First of all, this is an open board. You are welcome to come in here and say whatever you want as long as it's not straight flaming. You think the site sucks, you think I'm a clown, I don't care, go ahead and say it. As long as there is no swearing and outright disrespect, your thoughts will stay.


I told you to expect this my man. This is a free business and people that are winning of your free plays are obviously going to be upset when you decide to charge. It would be the same if I decided to lock everyone out of the site unless they gave me money. Some people would be pissed and I would just have to sit here and take their comments. That's the way this game works. You can't lock threads where people are expressing their opinions against you. They didn't cuss you out or call you names. They are sharing their thoughts. Those threads have to stay and stay un-locked. Bottomline.

Everyone Else-

You are welcome to express your opinion as long as you go at it in a courteous manner. Till this point you have. A lot of what has been said is not all nicey but it's been in line. You are welcome to support Boxer as a fan of his and you are welcome to not support him if you are mad about his choice to charge. As long as it stays in line, it will be allowed.

I wish Boxer well. I certainly think that his picks hold some type of monetary value. Some of you may not. But fact of the matter is that it isn't up to us. Other people post picks here everyday and some of them are damn good. Instead of being mad at Boxer seek out a new talent right here at home. I read every post made here and a lot of you pass over some Cappers that are just as good as Boxer. He's not the only one here. And who know's, maybe Boxers free picks will do better then his pay ones and then you make out even better. Bottomline is that it's gonna be alright. Go ahead and vent but make sure it stays in line like it has been so far.

Any straight rude sh*t will be deleted IMMEDIATELY so don't think I've gone soft....


Posted : August 16, 2002 10:55 am
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

i understand what you are saying but when someone says something like "agree, 100 percent, he lays too much chalk anyway, ((he won't last))"(nickc)is saying something directly to me and i dont appreciate that.say what you want be mad but don't tell me i'm not gonna last.....or how i cap my games.

Posted : August 16, 2002 2:18 pm
Posts: 103
Estimable Member

boxer i think that you are wise enough to know that the comment, "he lays too much chalk, he won't last", is not not a direct comment to you, it's a comment about you, and i'm not mad that you aren't giving your picks in the least bit, i have never used your picks, i'm just watching out for innocent people, i was ready to let this thing die, but you have brought me back into it, if you are going to run a pay service, you had better be ready for criticism, much more than i have given you, i wasn't going to get this deep but you just posted a few weeks back that you weren't good enough in football to get in the las vegas contest, so how are you good enough to charge money, some gamblers have short memories, i don't

Posted : August 16, 2002 3:35 pm
Posts: 169
Reputable Member

You know I think it is really funny when I see someone bashing a guy that has put up winners here on a consistent basis all season then he decides to start charging for them and everyone one has a hissy fit. Let me ask you something do you work at your job for free? No you don't you work and you get paid but someone wants to get paid for his picks and he is a scam artist right off the bat no matter if he wins or loses, as long as he is charging he is a scam. That is the most hypocritical [censored] I have ever seen and anyone that thinks that is a stupid ass. Our whole society is built on being paid for sevices rendered it happens everyday all day long all accross the world, I guarantee you that each and everyone of you on here that is crying because he wants to charge don't have no guilt when you pick up your paycheck. Are there scams in this business? Your damn right there are! But not everyone that get's paid for picks is and that is a FACT no matter what you want to say! Why the hell should anyone work there ass off picking winning plays have to give them away? If you don't want to pay don't plain and simple but there is a demand for pay cappers no matter what you say and there are honest ones out there. SO before you clump all pay cappers in one heap think before you speak because I guarantee you that you won't go into work tomorrow and feel guilty punching that clock to get paid for what you do! We all have a mind and can choose to pay or not don't be an ass because you want his picks and he doesn't want to give them away.

Posted : August 16, 2002 4:50 pm
Posts: 453
Prominent Member

Well said Robert.
Not to mention that Boxer took time away from his vacation to post plays. Now, either he has no life or he is dedicated. I think he is dedicated. He enjoys seeing people profit from his handy work. Now he want's a little in return. Maybe he should just set up a tip jar and you could flip him some coin when he has a winning week.

Posted : August 16, 2002 5:20 pm
Posts: 171
Estimable Member

Well said RBI! I wish you the best Boxer. Keep on kicking ass and thanks for putting your picks up for the board to use all of this time. You probably should have done this months ago (with the pay service) Looks like baseball is done in 2 weeks--i hope not, but probably will be. I don't really use your picks either so i don't care either way but, I don't blame you a bit for selling them. You do well and if you can...profit from it. I would. The American way baby. GL-R

Posted : August 16, 2002 5:22 pm
Posts: 246
Reputable Member

MC can appreciate your awkward position but you are maintaining the correct course as the integrity of the board must be maintained. It would be undesirable for this board to become another shill site after it has established itself with a solid reputation. While I feel it is warranted to object to the actions of boxer it is not justified to attack him personally. Every man in theory has a price....just disappointing to know that in this case it is a mere 750 a month. Continue with the great site and others will continue to be attracted.

Posted : August 16, 2002 6:49 pm