Typing www.cappersnetwork.com does NOT bring me to this site. I've been unable to get here for the past 2 days. Luckily i happened upon the link you (MC) posted at the RX or i would still be unable to get here. Some of your regulars are probably having the same problem. I know for a fact jersey giant can't get onto your site. Thoght you might want to look into it.
dog catcher in order to get here go to
then click FORUM,then you have to log in with your user name and password.
I'm not real sure what is going on with that. I know that the URL for the old board is inactive, but you should be able to go to www.cappersnetwork.com without a problem. I did nothing to the regular site. I would suggest slearing out your cache and temp files, restart and then give it a shot. I will see if there is anything on my end that I may of missed though.
Thanks for the heads up...