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Whoa! What happened here?

MC, any local flavor on this one? I do not watch much Sportscenter, so I haven't gotten the lowdown, but from a person like me who doesn't know much of the "behind the scenes" story, it seemed almost comical.

Add the fact that I'm located near Philly, and can't see why they'd be so enamored with Brown - a man who has won (relatively) squat with a zillion teams over three leagues over three decades.

Carlisle was the brains behind Bird's Pacers, and had the overachieving Pistons riding high in the East the last two years.


Posted : June 3, 2003 5:31 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

Man, I thought I knew but listening to the news and the local sports radio stations here has got me spinning.

I will say one thing, as sports fans the citizens of metro Detroit are borderline retarded. Some of the totally useless sh*t they let some of these clowns say on the radio has blown my mind.

Anyway, the consensus seems to be that there was a rift somewhere between Carlisle and either Bill Davidson( the owner) or Joe D. However, everyone seems to agree that if Larry B wasn't available Rick would still be here so, who really knows.

If you are salty at the guy but willing to suck it up unless a big name becomes available boggles me but whatever. To be honest I don't think that Larry is all that either but apparently the Pistons do. I don't know if Carlisle could of took them much further next year then he did this one but if it was between seeing for 2 mill or throwing in the towel to pay someone else 5 mill my money would be on Carlisle.

Anyway, to answer in short form I dunno and nobody else around here does either. One thing for sure is that all the speculation is far stranger then the actual reason probably is.


Posted : June 3, 2003 5:42 pm