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Check out this preseason betting angle...

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I just read this post on another board. First thing, don't worry MC - this forum is my true love, the others I just check every once and a while for side info (honestly, the others mean nothing !). This guy responded to a preseason topic with his own PRESEASON strategy. He said he started it after he noticed something in the first few games. He bets the under for every second half total. He stated this strategy went 23-4 for him last season after not betting the first few ! The problem is not every book does second half totals. I just called up MVP and they said they do. It makes sense since usually third and fourth stringers work the second half and offenses are never in sync. This guy wasn't touting any service of his - he was just a regular member. I'm going to check the first few games to see how it looks. I thought everyone here might want to check it out too. You know the attitude here - anything to win us money !

Posted : August 3, 2002 6:47 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

lol, I'm not worried and I don't think you are a traitor. Thanks for being concerned of what I would think though.

Truth be told that I post at about every board out there and many of the owners are friends. Lots of different personalities out there and some of the info I give you guys I actually pick up elsewhere. No harm in gettin your learn on.

MVP is a great book. The owner Dalton Wagner is a very good guy and runs a nice operation. Not surprised they offer this. If any one else wants to check them out here is a link. MVP Sports Book!


Posted : August 3, 2002 7:14 pm
Posts: 118
Estimable Member

mike do u post @ osb? if so under what name// THX

Posted : August 3, 2002 7:39 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

No sir. I stop by there occasionally to look around though


Posted : August 3, 2002 8:20 pm