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The Northcoast early bird comp play has gone 8 winners and 1 loss (88.8888%, or 89%) this season - which is better than their 5 star oicks. Does that mean it is due to lose? Not necessarly, according to probability theory, which would say that any pick is 50% probable (in the absence of a proven formula to beat the odds).

Last week was Tulsa, which won, and this week is Tulsa again, plus points, against Rice.

I have followed these comp plays but never liked them enough to play them, which perhaps is a recommendation to play them. I don't think much of Tulsa, did not play them last week, and probably won't play them this week. Perhaps again this is a reason to play Tulsa.

I pulled this from another forum

Posted : October 28, 2002 6:49 pm
Posts: 462
Prominent Member
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here is the number if you like!
I get the play every Monday after 12:30 P.M. (est) by calling

1-800-475-8168 (number is the N.C. comp play line, but you may

get a busy signal which means you have to dial a local number

from certain big cities. The 800 number is good if you are

outside the area of those big cities, like I am.

Posted : October 28, 2002 7:04 pm