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well gang as predicted the roll continues and where it stops well i do not even know!!! all i can say is we hit our SUN BELT CONFRENCE GAME OF THE YEAR on NEW ORLEANS 69-46 and then not to be outdown and they certainly where not we hit our OHIO VALLEY CONFRENCE GAME OF THE YEAR on AUSTIN PEAY 80-47, this by the way is one of my special ADDED GAMES that we have done so well in all season long and they both take our record since last saturday when this whole GOY thing started to 7-0 at +35 units!! not to be outdown we did have another killer day as it feels like we cannot lose and in fact we may be breaking even our own single day total units gained record!!! our PLAYS OF THE DAY went 2-1 and our SECONDARY+ plays stand right now at 7-3 with one game left!! GOY=5units each,POD=3units each and our SECONDARY+=2.5 units so you do the math, we do have UTEP+3 left as a SECONDARY+!! all in all it is going to be a great day and as i stated the this morning we where going to have agreat day as i saw the opening lines last night and early this morning and i just knew that this was a great day!! we even thru out some games that came in for us just the same but had to be trashed due to inflated lines!!its been a great run and even i do not know when this will end but I will say this we are in a groove and we feel good about what we are doing and how we are doing it!! for those of you that took advantage of the 50.00 dollr special today you know have 6 days left and a boatload of money to play with!! quite an invest of 50.00 if I do say so myself and our monitor DR.X is rolling in the dough also!! its still not to late to get onboard and to start to make some money, sunday will be another great day and we have pinpointed 1 possibily 2 GOY type teams and a few POD'S to boot!! its a great day and night and it is time for me to kick it back abit and truly say that I have never made this type of money in my entire life of gambling(17 years)NEVER!! any questions or comments please feel free to get in touch with me via e-mail at the address below!! THANKS TO ALL!! ARLI$$

[email protected] ;

Posted : February 23, 2002 11:25 pm
Posts: 29
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Author Topic: Arli$$...
Dr. XX
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Member # 893
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posted 02-24-2002 10:34 AM
He has now hit 7 consecutive GOY plays. How is he doing this I dont know?? The games just speak for themselves. It just seems like they come through like magic. I would suggest that you take part in his remaining GOY plays.
Dr. X

Posted : February 24, 2002 12:16 pm