When will it be updated...am I missing something?
I put it back in the regular page. I posted here and in the "Latest News" thread to let everyone know. Sorry
i see all blanks...others??
U shouldn't. Try this....
Nothing MC...I get the page but nothing is posted.
Hit refresh. I have them up on my screen and I haven't had any problem all morning. Let me know...
i already tried that...seems like boxer is struggling to get them too.
I cannot get the service plays either.
cash could u put them in the forum because i am getting nothing at all thanks boxer
It works now.
I don't know what happened to you guys. Must of been your machine maybe. I had a buddy in vegas and a buddy in Canada both check and they got report 3. And pickme says you guys are square now. Sorry for whatever happened.
Back to report 4...