I have a theory based upon some things I have witnessed that the
squares (immature emotional bettors) tend to bet on the overs rather than the unders. Has anyone else come to the same conclusion or do you differ with my theory?
In other words, the "over" could be looked at as the "favorite" among
square bettors?
That's all they bet especially if it's a TV game.
10 is the magic #
below 10 they bet over over 10 they bet under.
TV also plays a big part in all betting. Games which are televised nationally draw way bigger action than games that are televised regionally or not at all
Squares play OVER, period.
"Frat guy" is not pulling for defensive stops or watching the clock run.
He is betting the chalk and over and awaiting a hard on........
It is what it is
you are what your record says you are
We win, he loses......