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everyone using street bookies read

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i think you all should go to off shore betting places..i see a lot of you only have certain times to place your wagers.when you use one of these places you can bet 24 hours a day 7 days a week.i use to deal with a street bookie and ever since i went off shore i would never go back to those small time guys again.there is also many kinds of bets you can make over seas that your guys do not check out one of these places and you will be more then satisfied. [Wink]

Sports Interaction

Posted : June 6, 2002 6:09 pm
Posts: 89
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No money,thats why we need to go to the street bookie! Don't have to deposit anything.

Posted : June 6, 2002 6:46 pm
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i hear you.but a lot of places you can deposit as much as you want,so when you hit for a big week you are set [Wink]

Posted : June 6, 2002 6:49 pm
Posts: 7610
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Here I am...

Sorry I have been sicker then hell all day and still am, but I think this is important enough for me to comment before I go lay back down.

I have to admit that Boxer is right. A very good friend of mine who also owns some sites, who also is a street bookie, who also bets exculsivly himself off-shore, actually tells his customers that once they ever start to wager off-shore he will never see them again. It really is that much better.

I know that you can go 5 people ahead of you and find a horror story, but I keep telling myself that I will never go back to Best Buy, but I always do. Everyone has problems regardless of the industry. It is very rare to encounter a problem off-shore in all actuality.

I have spent many an hour trying to work these deals out for sponsorship with only the best of the best. The places that I feel personally are rock solid. Most of you don't know that there are over 140 "popular" sportsbooks out there. That doesn't even inlcude the ones that fly below the radar. Some reports have it at over 5000+. Out of that number you can see how many sponsors we have.

Truth be told that now is a crucial time to set yourself up off-shore. Because in reality there could be a very good possibility that in the near future the government could block all of us from opening any new accounts. Only those of us that are alredy setup off-shore will still be able to wager in this manner. I don't know how many of you are familiar with Jay Cohen, but his case goes before the Supreme Court very soon and that will forever shape the future of online wagering from the United States.

So my advice to you is to set yourself up off-shore at least somewhere. $100-200, whatever anything just to get you an account somewhere. I know that one of our sponsors will let you open an account with as little as $50.

So, on this one I agree with Boxer 110%. Everyone, even the smallest player needs to have at least one out off-shore.

If anyone haas any questions about off-shore wagering, what to expect, anything just let me know. I am happy to answer any questions you have and will even help you get setup somewhere if you want. Feel free to post questions in this thread too, maybe there is someone else out there that will have a better answer then I do. I know a lot of our sponsors cruise the board daily.


Posted : June 6, 2002 7:29 pm
Posts: 189
Estimable Member

I used to go off-shore, but it just got real convenient having a street bookie. I definitely see your reasoning behind opening up an account, and it makes sense. Do you guys get paid out by check or do they debit your credit card? Back when I used to do this, I'd just get my card credited. Are these places pretty reliable sending out checks or do you just use your card? Let me know if I'm getting a little too personal here.

Posted : June 6, 2002 7:41 pm
Posts: 7610
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Hey Dimebag, these are the kinda questions I WANT someone to ask. Not too personal at all.

Before I get to your direct questions let me talk about credit cards....It is almost impossible to deposit or even re-up off-shore anymore with a credit card. Visa and MC both have restricions in place, and some issuers will not even allow you to make a purchse of anything in the country of Costa Rica. If you have a Visa or Mastercard I think it is very unlikely you will be able to deposit off-shore. I have about 4 Visa and 3 Mastercards and not one of them will allow me to deposit anymore. So...

Now, back in the day I would deposit with a CC or my Debit Card and then just get what was owed to me first in credit and then in check. Now that I have become more versed and the CC thing has all but dried up I do several things. I will usually deposit via either PayPal or Neteller and I will usually get a payout via PayPal or Check. It's different everytime but those are the most common, at least for me personally.

Now as I have said before I trust all the sponsors with my personal money. I can honestly say that if you called all these places I have accounts at every single one. Would I send cash there and feel comfotable, yes. Would I send a check? Probably not, I would use Western Union.

I am in the process of talking to the Neteller people to see if we can get a link to them on the site so people can sign up with them as well. Cause as of late I have had some problems with PayPal too. For those of you that don't know Neteller is, basically it's a PayPal for gambling sites. PayPal was setup basically for auctions and stuff where as Neteller was setup to send money off-shore, so the hassles are like 500% less.

I hope that hit everything, if you have any more questions let me know.


Posted : June 6, 2002 7:59 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

dimebag things have can not use your credit card no more.there is a international block on it do to offshore betting.the bets thing i think is to use western union. [Wink]

Posted : June 6, 2002 8:00 pm
Posts: 46
Estimable Member

when I set up my off shore account I used my credit card through Western Union.Western Union accepted the credit card.

Posted : June 6, 2002 8:08 pm
Posts: 7610
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Some people have said they had success doing that. How long ago Topcat?

When I tried to drop money in an account about a month ago with a CC, it was a no go.


Posted : June 6, 2002 8:11 pm
Posts: 171
Estimable Member

i have used my visa 2 times in the last 2 months through online WU and it had worked both times. very easy too. Visa did contact me to make sure it was me sending $ out of the country so expect that. I was kinda glad they did check. It was no problem though. R

Posted : June 6, 2002 8:25 pm
Posts: 7610
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That probably is still not a problem. I know that you cannot at least to my knowledge use a CC direct on any sports books website anymore.


Posted : June 6, 2002 10:01 pm
Posts: 103
Estimable Member

I have used both street and offshore, quite frankly it's much easier to use a local guy, and it's more so since you can't use a credit card, personally i like the convenience of being able to call and play what i want without having to run to western union every couple days, and i know my guy will pay me, even if he dies,someone will pay me, i can't be so sure about all of the offshore, i don't think the local bookie can ever be competely faded out, too easy, plus if you have a good name, you can basically play whatever you want to play within reason, of course i understand that you guys have to support the sponsors and i respect that, and I still have offshore accounts but always make the majority of my plays locally, nicky

Posted : June 6, 2002 10:29 pm
Posts: 7610
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This is turning into a pretty good discussion.

But I gotta disagree. Maybe not disagree but offer some counter-points.

At this point the only problem I will encounter is my credit card won't let me bet using their money. I don't have to worry about getting popped on my computer.

I think that right now as I sit here the only thing a local guy can offer me is the mystique of me being able to get up from a table of my friends, to say I have to go and pick up money from someone and have them be impressed. Other then that to me personally the local guy is useless.

I gotta call when he says I have to call, settle when he wants to settle, bet what he wants me to bet and use the shitty lines he gets out of the newspaper.

In all actuality I consider it more convinient then using a street guy. I can go to WU whenever I feel like it. I don't have to pay on tuesdays and collect on wednesdays. If at 2am on sunday I want to bet on something in Korea, I can do that online, I can't do that with the local guy.

Besides all of that, unless I get with a credit shop, by me depositing what I want to wager I know that I will be in total control of what I am allowed to lose. At MVP I can't get down 10k and get my legs broke, down on the corner I can.

Also, you mentioned the sponsors which is a fair enough comment. But let me say that I support the sponsors because of who they are. Long before I even had a site I liked wagering online. I like these sponsors cause I have connects there and know that if something ever did happen I would have a good chance of getting people paid.

But regardless of the sponsors I am a fan of online gambling. If I didn't have these sponsors and the site closed tomorrow I would still do my betting online with someone. I just personally feel that it is the best option available to me.


Posted : June 6, 2002 10:59 pm
Posts: 189
Estimable Member

MC, thanks for the input. I'll probably start to pay a visit to a couple of those sites and set something up. Like you said, I think the biggest advantage of an off-shore is having control of your money. I've had some bad weeks where I've spiraled out of control trying to cover my ass. With an off-shore, when you lose that's it. If you want to bet again to win it back, you've gotta have the cash. Thanks guys for all your input.

Posted : June 6, 2002 11:10 pm
Posts: 7610
Member Moderator

Glad I could help and give you some info, Dimebag. Thank Boxer though, he is the one that originally posted the thread.

If you need some help getting setup or have any questions just let me know. In addition to the sponsors I have about 15 more accounts at other books, so odds are if you run into a problem I have had the same one and can help out.


Posted : June 6, 2002 11:46 pm
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