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Falcon Friday

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Again, football wins. Again, baseball loses.

Tonight he is playing the Braves as a 4* play. The line is -230, so I know
many of you will be reluctant to play it. Normally, he won't play a game
like this as a 4*...a line like this he would usually rate a 2*. I know he
likes it and is taking the risk. In addition, he played the following:

2* Expos
3* Cardinals
3* Under Rockies/Dodgers
5* Giants
2* Devil Rays
2* Mariners
2* Rangers

As far as football is concerned, he only talked about one play so far and
that is Florida State. He is looking at about 8 other games in addition to
this one. I'll have anything early out to you by 11:45 tomorrow morning.
Good luck tonight...and thanks for all the nice feedback about the football.
So far, it's been great. I only wish baseball would get hot again!

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remove you immediately.

Posted : September 13, 2002 7:05 pm